The politics of world politics
On August 21st 2015 Pekka Korhonen, Professor of World Politics at
the University of Jyväskylä, reaches the age of 60 years. In order to
celebrate the event and pay homage to Pekka’s career, this collection of
articles was edited. Keeping in mind Pekka’s research interests in world
politics and other forms of political science, the book is aptly named
”The Politics of World Politics”. One part of the Jyväskylä profi le is to
avoid a strict dividing line between diff erent ‘subfi elds’ in the study of
politics, and also the PhD theses supervised by Pekka would not else-
where always be counted to world politics or international relations.
The interest in rhetoric, languages, concepts and narratives is part of the
Jyväskylä profi le, but Pekka’s own and inimitable colour enriches this
le to an important direction.
Pekka’s MA thesis on Hans Morgenthau (1983) deconstructs a lot
of the textbook view on Morgenthau, which is no mere caricature but
completely misleading for those who know Morgenthau’s early work
in international law in German and French. Johan Galtung was the next
author Pekka was studying in his licentiate thesis. In Galtung’s work, in
the early study on Gandhi’s political ethics and Galtung’s work on Japan
and China in the 1970s we can also detect the origins of the ‘Asian turn’
of Pekka Korhonen’s work, based on 2-year scholarship to Japan from
1987 to 1989. With his 1992 dissertation, in revised form published
by Routledge in 1994 and the follow-up work on pacifi c romances
(1998), Pekka created the groundwork for his later internationally rec-
ognised research profi le, the appointment to professor at the University of Jyväskylä (from January 2004) and numerous research visits above all
in Japan and China.
The book includes contributions from his colleagues within the
confi nes of world politics, Asian studies and political theory, all very
broadly understood. Despite of belonging to the Festschrift-genre, this
collection of articles is a genuine contribution to the debates of world
politics, its limitations, boundaries and theories. Given Pekka’s interest
in Asia and geopolitics, the collection also includes articles addressing
these topics.
As has been common in Jyväskylä political science, politics in this
collection is considered an aspect in lieu of a strictly defi ned sector.
Therefore the articles address a wide variety of issues that can be con-
sidered relevant to world politics – even the very notions of ”world”
and ”politics” are scrutinized in the articles, and emphasis is also given
to translating of concepts and naming of practices.

Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-6284-5ISSN Search the Publication Forum
- Foreword, 5
- I
- Raimo Väyrynen: Thorstein Veblen’s Social Theory of War, 9
- Jyrki Käkönen: Global Power Transition: From Trans-Atlantic to Asia-Pacific Centred Order, 36
- Mika Aaltola: The Sagas of the Volcanic Ash: Narrating Europe’s slipping position through airtravel shocks, 65
- Heino Nyyssönen: The World according to Emmanuel Goldstein: George Orwell and Nineteen Eighty-Four, 84
- Tapani Kaakkuriniemi: Modern Eurasian Geopolitics. Seeking the ideology for modern empires, 105
- Aapo Jumppanen: History as Argumentative Strategy in US–Europe Relations under the Bush Administration 1989–1992, 129
- II
- Paul-Erik Korvela: History of Concepts in the Study of International Relations. Outlines of a neglected research agenda, 159
- Heikki Patomäki: Why do Social Sciences Matter. From Explanatory Critique to Concrete Eutopias in the Study of World Politics, 176
- Sakari Hänninen: What is the “World” in world politics, 200
- Mikko Jakonen: The Devil’s Mountain. Thomas Hobbes on the History of English Civil Wars, 224
- Tuija Parvikko: Heart of Darkness. Rereading Hannah Arendt’s Critique of Colonialism and Race-thinking with Edward W. Said, 247
- Kari Palonen: Two ‘French Webers’. Conceptual Horizons in the Translations of Politik als Beruf, 264
- Hartwig Hummel: Peace Through Regional Integration. Experiences in Europe and East Asia, 283
- Liisa Laakso: Partners of a Region. Approaching the rhetoric of EU-Asia relations, 303
- Eero Palmujoki: How Diff erent is Asia? Global Trade Rules and ASEAN Regional Trade arrangements, 315
- Joseph Y. S. Cheng: China’s Relations with the Gulf Co-operation Council States: Multi-level Diplomacy in a Divided Arab World, 329
- Ratih Adiputri: Pekka Korhonen and Asian Studies at the University of Jyväskylä, 362
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- SoPhi [154]
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