Migrating ship waste management from India to Finland : analysis of opportunities and risks in an industrial symbiosis of sustainable ship recycling
2015Environmental protection and social wellbeing are significant segments of economic
development. Market demand, legal directives, competitor existence and NGO interest
together influence to manufacture in a cleaner and safer way and to abandon the
traditional, often lethal working processes. Ship breaking is one of the most perilous
industries where powerful states subordinate those countries where regulations can be
bypassed for profit maximization. The unfavorable dependence arises from economic
and technological arrears, and it results in environmental pollution, human rights
violation and non-conformity with environmental, health and safety regulations.
To improve environmental, health and safety issues in ship breaking sequential
international legislation was required that controls the supply of vessels. Revolution
develops as ship recycling is becoming strictly controlled in South-Asia under the flag
of the European Union. This restriction gives opportunities for developed countries to
establish collaborations for sustainable ship recycling. Such little understood business
favors the combination of expertise from different fields. Technical interaction, joint
logistic systems and collective operational processes can be perceived as industrial
symbiosis. Developing synergy between different industrial partners requires
managerial dedication as well. Besides the so-called hard tools for such engagement,
questions remain around the level of commitment, preparedness and willingness for
collaboration in an industrial symbiosis.
This study seeks to answer the research question, whether it is possible to
establish an industrial symbiosis for environmentally friendly ship recycling in
Finland. Perception and attitude towards a systemized cooperation and the current
understanding of ship recycling is analyzed.
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Analysis of opportunities and risks in an industrial symbiosis of sustainable ship recyclingKeywords
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- Pro gradu -tutkielmat [29045]
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