Scattering off the color glass condensate
In this thesis the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework, which describes
quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at high energy, is applied to various scat-
tering processes. Higher order corrections to the CGC evolution equations,
known as the BK and JIMWLK equations, are also considered.
It is shown that the leading order CGC calculations describe the experimen-
tal data from electron-proton deep inelastic scattering (DIS), proton-proton
and proton-nucleus collisions. The initial condition for the BK evolution
equation is obtained by performing a fit to deep inelastic scattering data.
The fit result is used as an input to calculations of single particle spectra and
nuclear suppression in proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions, which are
shown to be in agreement with RHIC and LHC measurements. In particular,
the importance of a proper description of the nuclear geometry consistently
with the DIS data fits is emphasized, as it results in a nuclear suppression
factor RpA which is consistent with the available experimental data.
In addition to single particle production, the correlations between two
hadrons at forward rapidity are computed. The RHIC measurements are
shown to be naturally explainable in the CGC framework, and the previous
CGC calculations are improved by including the so called inelastic and double
parton scattering contributions. This improvement is shown to be required in
order to get results compatible with the experimentally measured correlations.
Exclusive vector meson production, which can be a powerful tool to study
the gluonic structure of nuclei at small Bjorken-x, is also considered. The cross
sections are calculated within the CGC framework in the context of a future
electron-ion collider. In particular, the cross section for incoherent diffractive
vector meson production is derived and a centrality estimator for this process
is proposed. Exclusive processes are also studied in ultraperipheral heavy ion
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6175-6ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- Väitöskirjat [3612]
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