Tiedemuseo: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-25 of 37
Polypore communities in broadleaved boreal forests
(Metla, 2012)The cover and extent of boreal broadleaved forests have been decreasing due to modern forest management practices and fire suppression. As decomposers of woody material, polypores are ecologically important ecosystem ... -
First Fennoscandian record of the gall midge Janetiella glechomae Tavares, 1930 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
(Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo LUOMUS, 2016)Janetiella glechomae (Tavares, 1930) -äkämäsääski ilmoitetaan ensimmäisen kerran Suomesta. Havainto on samalla koko Fennoskandian alueelle uusi. Havainnon ja määrityksen teki tanskalainen tutkija, tohtori Hans Henrik Bruun, ... -
Wood-inhabiting fungi with tight associations with other species have declined as a response to forest management
(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.; Nordic Society Oikos, 2017)Research on mutualistic and antagonistic networks, such as plant–pollinator and host–parasite networks, has shown that species interactions can influence and be influenced by the responses of species to environmental ... -
Luonnonsuojelubiologi ja kestävyyspuhe
(Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2017) -
Systematic targeting of management actions as a tool to enhance conservation of traditional rural biotopes
(Elsevier, 2017)Traditional rural biotopes (TRBs), which are biologically and culturally valuable habitats maintained by low-intensity grazing and mowing, are a core element of biodiversity in Europe. During the last decades, TRBs have ...