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dc.contributor.authorHämäläinen, Niina
dc.contributor.authorLiimatainen, Katja
dc.identifier.citationHämäläinen, N. & Liimatainen, K. (2008). A Framework to Support Business-IT Alignment in Enterprise Architecture Decision Making. In: Niemi, E., Ylimäki, T. & Hämäläinen, N. (Eds.) Evaluation of enterprise and software architectures : critical issues, metrics and practices : [AISA Project 2005-2008]. Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, Information Technology Research Institute, 2008. - (Tietotekniikan tutkimusinstituutin julkaisuja, ISSN 1236-1615; 18). ISBN 978-951-39-3108-7 (CD-ROM).
dc.descriptionFirst published in the proceedings of the EBRF 2007 conference ”Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society”, September 25-27, Jyväskylä, Finland
dc.description.abstractBusiness-IT alignment is one of the key concerns of general management and chief information officers. It is commonly recognized as an important instrument for realizing organizational effectiveness. Achieving business-IT alignment requires often change in the way managers regard IT and it demands co-operation between general and IT management. The challenge of aligning business- and IT-related concerns and requirements in architecture decision making situations is the focus of this study. As one possible solution, we present a framework of architecture decisions. This framework defines decision making aspects and business and architecture plans. Decisions are suggested to be compared against these plans at each aspect. In addition, long-term and short-term decisions at each decision making aspect are defined. This framework is meant to support creation of shared domain knowledge (especially long-term alignment) through the use of enterprise architecture plans in decision making situations. Furthermore, it can be used to support the alignment of business and IT through decision making and to assist in the evaluation of decisions. The framework was evaluated in a focus group interview by practitioners.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Jyväskylä, Information Technology Research Institute
dc.relation.ispartofEvaluation of enterprise and software architectures : critical issues, metrics and practices : [AISA Project 2005-2008] / Eetu Niemi, Tanja Ylimäki & Niina Hämäläinen (eds.). Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, Information Technology Research Institute, 2008. - (Tietotekniikan tutkimusinstituutin julkaisuja, ISSN 1236-1615; 18). ISBN 978-951-39-3108-7 (CD-ROM).
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTietotekniikan tutkimusinstituutin julkaisuja, 1236-1615; 18
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.subject.otherenterprise architecture
dc.subject.otherdecision making
dc.subject.otherbusiness-IT alignment
dc.titleA Framework to Support Business-IT Alignment in Enterprise Architecture Decision Making
dc.typeconference paper

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