Suomalaisnuorten seksuaalikasvatus ja seksuaaliterveystiedot oppilaan ja koulun näkökulmasta : arviointia terveyden edistämisen viitekehyksessä
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Studies in Sport, Physical Education and HealthTekijät
TerveyskasvatusThis doctoral dissertation explored the implementation of and changes in sexual education in 8th and 9th grades of comprehensive school, as well as the effect of specific programmes on the provision of sexual education. In addition, the study focused on the sexual health knowledge of adolescents, relevant pupil-related background factors and the effect of sexual education on knowledge level. The research data were provided by the nationwide School Health Promotion Study, specifically 8th and 9th grade data from 1996 and 1998-2001. The data were analysed separately at pupil and school levels, and with multilevel analysis with both levels together. Between 1996 and 1998, the number of pupils reporting sexual education lessons during the past school year decreased in 9th grade but remained the same in 8th grade. At school level, the coverage of sexual education lessons worsened. In the late 1990s (1998–1999), the sexual health knowledge of girls was better than of boys, and of 9th graders better than of 8th graders. Of the different statements, the pupils had the weakest knowledge in matters related to sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to grade and gender, pupils’ poor knowledge was explained by poor school performance, later than average puberty, finding sexual matters not to be topical, practical instead of theoretical continuing education plans and parents’ low educational level. Sexual experience explained the knowledge level of girls but not of boys: the girls’ knowledge level increased with experience. Both sexual education at school and having read the sex education magazine mailed to adolescents by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health had an independent effect on improved sexual health knowledge. Of the studied health and sexual education programmes, the Fertility Festival in Central Finland increased the coverage of sexual education in the campaign area in 1998-1999, but not two years later in 2000–2001. Other health education at school was also related to good sexual education coverage at both time periods. At school level, the amount of sexual education increased during the two-year follow-up period. Improved or maintained level of coverage was explained by the school’s participation in the Finnish Family Federation’s sex quiz, as well as by the school’s other health education. In 2000–2001, variation in the sexual health knowledge of 9th grade boys and girls was significant between pupils as well as between schools. Most of this variation occurred between pupils, with only 3 % of the variation occurring between schools. The knowledge level of adolescents was explained both by the pupils’ personal background factors and by factors related to sexual education at school. The results demonstrate that school sexual education programmes have a significant role in promoting the sexual health knowledge of adolescents. In the future, the new school subject of health education will create opportunities for developing the sexual education curriculum.
Ihmissuhde- ja sukupuolikasvatus liitettiin Suomessa koulujen opetussuunnitelmiin vuonna 1970. Seksuaalikasvatus tehostui 1970–1980 -luvuilla, ja nuorten seksuaaliterveystiedot parantuvat ja raskauden keskeytykset vähenivät. Seksuaalikasvatuksen valtakunnallista ohjausta vähennettiin 1990-luvulla samalla, kun kuntien ja koulujen vastuuta lisättiin. Tällöin myös järjestöjen merkitys vahvistui palveluiden tuottamisessa ja kehittämisessä. Koulujen seksuaaliopetus näytti horjuvan ja nuorten raskaudenkeskeytykset yleistyvät jälleen pitkään jatkuneen vähenemisen jälkeen.Arja Liinamo tutki väitöskirjassaan Stakesin valtakunnallisten peruskoulun 8. ja 9. luokille tehtyjen Kouluterveyskyselyiden pohjalta nuorten seksuaalikasvatusta ja seksuaaliterveystietoja 1990-luvun lopulla ja vuosituhannen vaihteessa.
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
951-39-2176-XISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
- Väitöskirjat [3598]
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