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dc.contributor.authorLahikainen, Johanna
dc.description.abstractFM Johanna Lahikaisen naistutkimuksen väitöskirjan ””You look delicious”. Food, Eating, and Hunger in Margaret Atwood’s Novels” (”Näytät herkulliselta”. Ruoka, syöminen ja nälkä Margaret Atwoodin romaaneissa) tarkastustilaisuus. Vastaväittäjänä dosentti Päivi Kosonen (Tampereen yliopisto) ja kustoksena dosentti Eeva Jokinen. Kanadalainen Margaret Atwood on palkittu ja rakastettu kirjailija ympäri maailman. Atwood on todennut, että ruoka ja syöminen ovat elämämme perustavia ja ensimmäisiä asioita. Me syömme ennen kuin ymmärrämme kieltä, sukupuoltamme tai kansallisuuttamme. Ehkä hieman ilkikurisesti Atwood väittää, että ateriat ovat kirjallisuuden peruselementtejä: lähes yhtä yleisiä ja tärkeitä kuin rakkaus, kuolema, sota ja luonto.. Johanna Lahikainen tarkastelee tutkimuksessaan ruoan, syömisen ja nälän motiivia kymmenessä Atwoodin romaanissa vuosilta 1969-2000. Syöminen ja nälkä nähdään tutkimuksessa laajassa merkityksessä: sekä konkreettisesti että symbolisesti. Henkilöhahmot ovat nälkäisiä myös ihmissuhteissaan.fi
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation analyses the motif of food, eating, and hunger in novels by the Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The primary material consists of ten novels: The Edible Woman (1969), Surfacing (1972), Lady Oracle (1976), Life Before Man (1979), Bodily Harm (1981), The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), Cat’s Eye (1988), The Robber Bride (1993), Alias Grace (1996) and The Blind Assassin (2000). The motif of food, eating, and hunger is most explicit in The Edible Woman and Lady Oracle. In other novels it is more implicit, an undercurrent.. Food and eating do not only have tangible representation, but a symbolic, metaphorical level. Representation of food, eating, and hunger in fiction is intertwined with the issues of body, power, otherness, gender, class, ethnic orientation, religion and experience.. This dissertation’s methodological basis lies in feminist literary criticism, and feminist psychoanalytic literary criticism. To be more specific, this work relies on feminist close reading and feminist readership theory, and feminist object-relations theory. Both of these approaches are needed in order to give an adequately multifaceted reading of Atwood’s rich and complex use of the motif of food, eating, and hunger.. The motif is a way of portraying things, which might otherwise be silent, would lack words or would be too banal when put in words: such as depression, fear, pleasure and feeling of deplacedness. It is often a tool for depicting the often-violent sexual difference. The motif appears in connection with the experience of power and powerlessness in relationships, as well as repressed, problematic or cherished memories. Atwood’s novels present a fictional world where the motif of food and eating is one way of portraying the characters’ situations, feelings and possibilities in life.. Atwood’s novels are in dialogue with feminism and psychoanalytic thinking. Her protagonists are traumatised, divided selves, and this traumatisation is visible in the novels’ narratives and narration. They tell their story in bits and pieces, in a lingering style, which engages the reader. They see themselves as faulty and unreliable narrators, and often ponder and apologise for this.. Readers, myself and others, can become implicated, emotionally engaged with textual others, e.g. narrators or characters. This dissertation explores implicated readers’ reactions to the novels’ endings.en
dc.format.extent277 sivua
dc.publisherUniversity of Jyväskylä
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research
dc.relation.isversionofISBN 978-951-39-2930-5
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.subject.otherAtwood, Margaret
dc.title"You look delicious" : food, eating, and hunger in Margaret Atwood's novels
dc.type.ontasotDoctoral dissertationen
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaYhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekuntafi
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaFaculty of Social Sciencesen
dc.contributor.yliopistoUniversity of Jyväskyläen
dc.contributor.yliopistoJyväskylän yliopistofi
dc.subject.ysofeministinen kirjallisuudentutkimus

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