Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

dc.contributor.authorLaamanen, Piia
dc.description.abstractPiia Laamanen tutki väitöskirjatyössään aistiärsykkeiden muutoksen havaitsemista poikkeavuusnegatiivisuus-nimisen (mismatch negativity) herätevasteen avulla kaneilla ja ihmisillä. Laamasen tutkimuksissa osoitettiin, että poikkeavuusnegatiivisuuden kaltainen vaste ilmenee eri aistijärjestelmissä. Erityisen merkittävää oli, että havaitut vasteet ilmensivät lyhytkestoista sensorista muistia eli ns. aistimuistia, joka mahdollistaa havainnon syntymisen ja esimerkiksi tarkkaavuuden suuntautumisen.fi
dc.description.abstractEvent-related potentials (ERPs) to changes in serially presented stimuli were recorded from the cortical and subcortical structures in rabbits and from the scalp in humans. The oddball condition, in which frequently presented (standard) stimuli were occasionally replaced by physically different (deviant) stimuli, was applied. In the visual modality, ERPs to an orientation-deviant light bar differed from ERPs to standards in both rabbits (study I) and humans (study IV). In the somatosensory modality (study II), differential ERPs were found to location-deviant air-puff stimuli to the rabbit’s muzzle. In study III, the duration of the auditory and visual sensory memory in rabbits was estimated by varying the interval between the stimuli in the oddball condition. Auditory deviants among standards elicited differential ERPs in the hippocampus at 500 ms and 1500 ms intervals. Visual deviants elicited such ERPs only at the 500 ms interval. The differential ERPs found in the auditory, visual and somatosensory modalities in the present studies resemble the mismatch negativity (MMN), which is an ERP component described originally in the auditory modality in humans and is suggested to reflect pre-attentive detection of stimulus change. The MMN-like ERPs found were elicited without voluntary attention and were dependent on the memory trace formed by the previous standards - features also characteristic of MMN. Thus, the present results suggest that the neural mechanism underlying MMN may be multi-modal in the nervous system.en
dc.format.extent35 sivua
dc.publisherUniversity of Jyväskylä
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research
dc.relation.isversionofISBN 951-39-1823-8
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.titlePre-attentive detection of changes in serially presented stimuli in rabbits and humans
dc.type.ontasotDoctoral dissertationen
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaYhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekuntafi
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaFaculty of Social Sciencesen
dc.contributor.yliopistoUniversity of Jyväskyläen
dc.contributor.yliopistoJyväskylän yliopistofi

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Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

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