Mallin vaikutus kommunikaatioon IT-projektinhallinnassa
Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan IT-projektinhallinnan kommunikaation roolia ja sen vaikutusta projektin onnistumiseen eri projektinhallintamallien näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa keskitytään erityisesti vesiputousmallin ja Scrumin eroihin kommunikaation osalta. Työssä selvitetään, miten projektinhallintamalli voi tukea tai rajoittaa tehokasta viestintää, ja miten se vaikuttaa projektiryhmän yhteistyöhön, asiakkaan kanssa käytävään vuorovaikutukseen sekä projektin lopputulokseen. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että vesiputousmallin suoraviivainen ja dokumentaatiopainotteinen viestintä sopii hyvin vakaampiin projekteihin, joissa vaatimukset ovat ennalta määriteltyjä. Sen sijaan Scrum-malli mahdollistaa jatkuvan, iteratiivisen ja joustavan viestinnän, joka on erityisen hyödyllistä monimutkaisissa ja muuttuvissa projekteissa. Scrumin korostama avoin ja tiivis kommunikaatio parantaa projektin reagointikykyä ja tiimien välistä yhteistyötä, mikä usein johtaa parempaan lopputulokseen. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Kirjallisuuden valinnassa painotettiin projektinhallinnan ja IT-projektien kommunikaatioon liittyviä akateemisia julkaisuja ja kirjoja. Laajemman näkökulman saamiseksi on tutkittu myös muiden alojen projektinhallinnan kommunikaatiota ja malleja. Tutkimuksen pohjalta voidaan hahmottaa mallien vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia, mutta sen avulla on vaikea luoda tulos paremmasta vaihtoehdosta vesiputousmallin ja Scrum-mallin välillä, sillä mallit ovat hyvin erilaisia.
This bachelor’s thesis examines the role of communication in IT project management and its impact on project success from the perspective of different project management models. The study focuses particularly on the differences between the Waterfall model and Scrum in terms of communication. It explores how a project management model can support or hinder effective communication and how it influences team collaboration, interaction with the client, and the overall project outcome. The findings indicate that the straightforward and documentation-focused communication of the Waterfall model is well-suited for stable projects where requirements are clearly defined in advance. In contrast, Scrum enables continuous, iterative, and flexible communication, which is particularly beneficial for complex and dynamic projects. The open and frequent communication emphasized in Scrum improves responsiveness and team collaboration, often leading to better outcomes. This thesis is conducted as a literature review. The selection of literature prioritized academic publications and books related to project management and communication in IT projects. To gain a broader perspective, communication and models in project management from other fields were also examined. The study highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the models but does not aim to determine which is superior between the Waterfall model and Scrum, as the models are fundamentally different.
This bachelor’s thesis examines the role of communication in IT project management and its impact on project success from the perspective of different project management models. The study focuses particularly on the differences between the Waterfall model and Scrum in terms of communication. It explores how a project management model can support or hinder effective communication and how it influences team collaboration, interaction with the client, and the overall project outcome. The findings indicate that the straightforward and documentation-focused communication of the Waterfall model is well-suited for stable projects where requirements are clearly defined in advance. In contrast, Scrum enables continuous, iterative, and flexible communication, which is particularly beneficial for complex and dynamic projects. The open and frequent communication emphasized in Scrum improves responsiveness and team collaboration, often leading to better outcomes. This thesis is conducted as a literature review. The selection of literature prioritized academic publications and books related to project management and communication in IT projects. To gain a broader perspective, communication and models in project management from other fields were also examined. The study highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the models but does not aim to determine which is superior between the Waterfall model and Scrum, as the models are fundamentally different.
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