Urheiluteknologian rooli huippu-urheiluvalmennuksessa
Modernilla teknologialla on ollut syvä vaikutus urheilulle, teknologian ja sen tarjoama informaatio koetaan korvaamattomaksi urheilijoiden ja valmentajien pyrkiessä kehittymään huippuunsa. Urheiluteknologia käsittää erilaiset teknologiset ratkaisut, joiden avulla suoritusta pyritään parantamaan saadun palauteinformaation myötä. Valmentajalla on erityisen tärkeä ja laaja rooli urheilijan elämässä, ja valmentajan tulee olla sitoutunut tarjoamaan urheilijalle parhaat mahdolliset olosuhteet kehittymiselle. Kehittyvän teknologian myötä valmentajalla on vastuu kehittää omaa osaamistaan vastaamaan uuden teknologian vaatimaa taitotasoa ja auttaa urheilijaa ymmärtämään suurta määrää palauteinformaatiota, jotta harjoittelua voidaan kehittää.
Tässä kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena toteutetussa tutkielmassa selvitetään huippu-urheilussa hyödynnettävän teknologian muotoja ja teknologian merkitystä huippu-urheilijoiden valmennuksen yhteydessä. Tutkielma vastaa asetettuihin tutkimuskysymyksiin liittyen siihen, minkälaista ja kuinka teknologiaa hyödynnetään huippu-urheilijoiden valmennuksessa, ja minkälaisia vaikutuksia teknologian kehityksellä mahdollisesti on valmentajan roolille. Huomataan, että urheilijat ja valmentajat ovat halukkaita hyödyntämään teknologiaa suorituksen parantamiseksi ja kilpailuedun saavuttamiseksi. Teknologiaa hyödynnetään urheilusuorituksen analysoimissa eri tavoin aina video-analyysistä, optistenjärjestelmien kautta joukkuetason data-analyyseihin. Teknologia antaa valmentajalle mahdollisuuden tehdä informoidumpia päätöksiä nykyhetken ja tulevaisuuden tarpeiden mukaisesti. Lopulta tutkielmassa tullaan myös siihen johtopäätökseen, ettei teknologia itsessään ainakaan toistaiseksi voi syrjäyttää valmentajan merkitystä, vaan toimii ennemmin kehityksen ja harjoittelun fasilitaattorina.
Modern technology has had a deep effect on sport, and the information provided by the sport technology is seen to be invaluable, when athletes and coaches strive to reach their full potential. Sport technology includes different types of technological solutions, which are used to help improve sport performance through feedback information provided by the technology. The coaches play a vital and broad role in athletes’ lives and should be committed to offer best possible training environment for improvement. Along with the new developing technology comes the responsibility for the coaches to match their knowledge and skill with appearing technology, and to help the athlete understand and process the huge amount of feedback information to improve training. This thesis is written as a literature review and it focusses on studying the technology and its implications in elite sport coaching. This thesis answers the research questions about which technology and how technology is utilized and how it possibly affects the coaches’ role in elite sport coaching. It is seen that athletes and coaches are willing to adapt new technologies to improve their training and to gain competitive edge. Technology is utilized to analyze sport performance all the way from video analysis to optical systems and to data analysis in team sports for example. Technology provides the coaches the possibility to make more informed decisions about the athlete’s current and future needs. Finally, this thesis concludes that technology itself will not replace the need for a coach and is more of a facilitator of improvement and training.
Modern technology has had a deep effect on sport, and the information provided by the sport technology is seen to be invaluable, when athletes and coaches strive to reach their full potential. Sport technology includes different types of technological solutions, which are used to help improve sport performance through feedback information provided by the technology. The coaches play a vital and broad role in athletes’ lives and should be committed to offer best possible training environment for improvement. Along with the new developing technology comes the responsibility for the coaches to match their knowledge and skill with appearing technology, and to help the athlete understand and process the huge amount of feedback information to improve training. This thesis is written as a literature review and it focusses on studying the technology and its implications in elite sport coaching. This thesis answers the research questions about which technology and how technology is utilized and how it possibly affects the coaches’ role in elite sport coaching. It is seen that athletes and coaches are willing to adapt new technologies to improve their training and to gain competitive edge. Technology is utilized to analyze sport performance all the way from video analysis to optical systems and to data analysis in team sports for example. Technology provides the coaches the possibility to make more informed decisions about the athlete’s current and future needs. Finally, this thesis concludes that technology itself will not replace the need for a coach and is more of a facilitator of improvement and training.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202105172954Use this for linking