Nuorta liikkumaan motivoiva oppimisympäristö
Pro gradu –tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisessa oppimisympäristössä
nuori motivoituu liikkumaan. Tutkimustehtävänä oli selvittää mitkä asiat nuori
kokee ympäristössään keskeisinä tekijöinä, jotta hän haluaa liikkua? Tutkimuksen
tuli hyödyttää liikunnanopettajia ajattelemaan oppimisympäristöjä oppilaan
näkökulmasta. Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksannelta ja yhdeksänneltä luokalta
yhteensä kahdeksan yläkoululaista, joista neljä oli poikaa ja neljä tyttöä.
Tutkimushenkilöiltä vaadittiin vaihtelevaa peruskoulun liikunnan arvosanaa.
Kyseessä oli laadullinen monimenetelmätutkimus, joka sisälsi sekä
kyselylomakkeen että ryhmähaastattelun. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä
käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tuloksia analysointiin fyysisen,
psyykkisen ja sosiaalisen ympäristön näkökulmasta. Tutkimus aloitettiin syksyllä
Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että kahdeksas- ja yhdeksäsluokkalaisia nuoria
motivoi liikuntaympäristö, jossa on hyvä ja suvaitseva ilmapiiri.
Liikuntaympäristön tuli sisältää erilaisia liikkumisen mahdollisuuksia sekä tarjota
mahdollisuuden rauhoittua. Nuoria motivoi lisäksi siisti ja puhdas
liikuntaympäristö, jonka tulisi sijaita sekä rakennetuissa että luonnollisissa
rakentamattomissa ympäristöissä. Etenkin monipuolisuus oli nuorille keskeinen
liikkumaan motivoiva tekijä. Tutkimus vahvisti oletusta siitä, kuinka keskeisessä
asemassa ympäristö toimii nuorille motivaation luojana.
Tutkielmassa tuli esille nuorten kokevan liikuntaympäristön laajana
kokonaisuutena, joka ei muodostu vain fyysisistä tekijöistä. Nuoret kaipasivat
vaihtelua liikuntaympäristöönsä, jossa jokaisella olisi mahdollisuus oppia,
harrastaa sekä tulla ryhmässä hyväksytyksi. Odotusarvoltaan uusia
käytännönläheisiä ideoita syntyi nuorilta vähän. Nuoret eivät toisaalta ideoineet
mitään perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman tai perusopetuslain vastaista.
Johtopäätöksenä voi todeta, että liikunnanopettajan on teoriassa mahdollista
toteuttaa kaikki esiin nousseet nuoria liikkumaan motivoivat tekijät.
The aim for this Master´s thesis was to study what kind of environment motivates the young to physical exercise. The research task was to find out what environmental elements the young experiences important to exercise? The research should benefit the physical education teachers to understand the environment as a student point of view. 8 upper comprehensive school students from eight and ninth grade participated in the research. The student group consisted of 4 boys and 4 girls. The chosen method was qualitative mixed methods research. The research included a questionnaire and a group interview. The approach for the analysis was carried out by theory-guided approach. The results were analysed from physical, psychological and social environment standpoint. The participants had to have varying comprehensive school physical education grade. The research started in autumn 2020. The results showed that the physical education environment motivated the students from eight and ninth grade, especially when it came to a good and tolerant atmosphere, a chance to calm down, a variety of possibilities to exercise and located in neat and clean facilities. The students concluded that the physical education environment should be located both in built environments and natural unbuilt environments. Especially, versatility was the main factor to motivate students to physical exercise. The research confirmed that the environment has essential role as a motivator for students. In addition, the research pointed out that the students experienced the physical education environment as a wider array of factors, which do not only consist of physical components. The students missed versatility in different physical environments, where everyone had a chance to learn, exercise and be accepted as a member of group. Contrary to the hypothesis, only a very few practical ideas were suggested by the students. On the other hand, the students did not generate any ideas that cannot be executed by the national core curriculum for basic education or the basic education act. As a conclusion, the research showed that all the factors that motivated the students to exercise are in theory possible for the physical education teacher to fulfill.
The aim for this Master´s thesis was to study what kind of environment motivates the young to physical exercise. The research task was to find out what environmental elements the young experiences important to exercise? The research should benefit the physical education teachers to understand the environment as a student point of view. 8 upper comprehensive school students from eight and ninth grade participated in the research. The student group consisted of 4 boys and 4 girls. The chosen method was qualitative mixed methods research. The research included a questionnaire and a group interview. The approach for the analysis was carried out by theory-guided approach. The results were analysed from physical, psychological and social environment standpoint. The participants had to have varying comprehensive school physical education grade. The research started in autumn 2020. The results showed that the physical education environment motivated the students from eight and ninth grade, especially when it came to a good and tolerant atmosphere, a chance to calm down, a variety of possibilities to exercise and located in neat and clean facilities. The students concluded that the physical education environment should be located both in built environments and natural unbuilt environments. Especially, versatility was the main factor to motivate students to physical exercise. The research confirmed that the environment has essential role as a motivator for students. In addition, the research pointed out that the students experienced the physical education environment as a wider array of factors, which do not only consist of physical components. The students missed versatility in different physical environments, where everyone had a chance to learn, exercise and be accepted as a member of group. Contrary to the hypothesis, only a very few practical ideas were suggested by the students. On the other hand, the students did not generate any ideas that cannot be executed by the national core curriculum for basic education or the basic education act. As a conclusion, the research showed that all the factors that motivated the students to exercise are in theory possible for the physical education teacher to fulfill.
Main Author
Master thesis
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