Vertical stratification patterns of methanotrophs and their genetic controllers in water columns of oxygen-stratified boreal lakes
The vertical structuring of methanotrophic communities and its genetic controllers remain understudied in the water columns of oxygen-stratified lakes. Therefore, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to study the vertical stratification patterns of methanotrophs in two boreal lakes, Lake Kuivajärvi and Lake Lovojärvi. Furthermore, metagenomic analyses were done to assess the genomic characteristics of methanotrophs in Lovojärvi and a previously studied Lake Alinen Mustajärvi. The methanotroph communities were vertically structured along the oxygen gradient. Alphaproteobacterial methanotrophs preferred oxic water layers, while Methylococcales methanotrophs, consisting of putative novel genera and species, thrived especially at and below the oxic-anoxic interface and showed distinct depth variation patterns, which were not completely predictable by their taxonomic classification. Instead, genomic differences among Methylococcales methanotrophs explained their variable vertical depth patterns. Genes in COG categories L (Replication, recombination and repair) and S (Function unknown) were relatively high in metagenome-assembled-genomes representing Methylococcales thriving clearly below the oxic-anoxic interface, suggesting genetic adaptations for increased stress tolerance enabling living in the hypoxic/anoxic conditions. In contrast, genes in COG category N (Cell motility) were relatively high in metagenome-assembled-genomes of Methylococcales thriving at the oxic-anoxic interface, which suggests genetic adaptations for increased motility at the vertically fluctuating oxic-anoxic interface.
Julkaisu tutkimustietojärjestelmässä
Oxford University Press
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Vertaisarvioinnin tila
Fems Microbiology Ecology
- Rissanen, A. J., Saarela, T., Jäntti, H., Buck, M., Peura, S., Aalto, S. L., Ojala, A., Pumpanen, J., Tiirola, M., Elvert, M., & Nykänen, H. (2021). Vertical stratification patterns of methanotrophs and their genetic controllers in water columns of oxygen-stratified boreal lakes. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 97(2), Article fiaa252.
Euroopan komissio
Funding program(s)
FP7 (EU's 7th Framework Programme)
EU:n 7. puiteohjelma (FP7)

Euroopan unionin rahoittama. Esitetyt näkemykset ja mielipiteet ovat ainoastaan tämän tekstin laatijoiden näkemyksiä eivätkä välttämättä vastaa Euroopan unionin tai Euroopan koulutuksen ja kulttuurin toimeenpanovirasto (EACEA) kantaa. Euroopan unioni ja EACEA eivät ole vastuussa niistä.
Lisätietoja rahoituksesta
This study was supported by Kone Foundation (Grant No. 201803224) for AJR, Olvi-säätiö (Grant No.
201720037), Maa-ja Vesitekniikan tuki ry (Grant No. 34348), the University of Eastern Finland
Doctoral Programme in Environmental Physics, Health and Biology (EPHB) and Water JPI ERA-NET
Cofund WaterWorks2017 and Academy of Finland (project No. 326818) for TS, the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft through the cluster of Excellence EXC 309 “The Ocean in the Earth system”
(project No. 49926684) for ME, Academy of Finland (project No. 286642 for AJR, project No. 275127
for HJ, project No. 310302 for SLA, and project No. 136455 and 140964 for HN), and European
Research Council (ERC) CoG project No. 615146 for MT. The authors also acknowledge the Academy
of Finland Centre of Excellence (project No. 272041, 118780 and 307331) and ARCTICFIRE-project
(project No. 286685) funded by Academy of Finland for JP. In addition, the authors acknowledge
University of Eastern Finland Water Research Programme funded by Olvi-säätiö, Jenny and Antti
Wihuri Foundation and Saastamoinen Foundation for HJ.
Copyright© 2020 the Authors