Värien aikaansaamat tunteet ja niiden vaikutukset ostoaikomukseen verkkokaupassa
Verkkokauppojen välinen kilpailu alati kasvavista asiakasmääristä on johtanut estetiikan merkityksen korostumiseen verkkokauppojen verkkosivuilla ja käyttöliittymissä. Verkkosivun estetiikalla on merkittävä vaikutus käyttäjälle syntyvään ensivaikutelmaan verkkosivusta sekä käyttäjäkokemukseen pidemmällä aikavälillä. Väri on keskeinen visuaalisen käytettävyyden elementti, jolla voidaan helposti vaikuttaa käyttäjän tunteisiin ja mielikuviin sekä visuaaliseen käytettävyyteen.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millaisia tunteita verkkokaupassa käytetyt värit saavat aikaan ja miten ne vaikuttavat ostoaikomukseen verkkokaupassa. Ymmärtämällä käyttäjien tunteita ja reaktioita sekä niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä paremmin, pystytään tulevaisuudessa suunnittelemaan entistä parempia ja toimivampia verkkosivuja verkkokaupoille vastaamaan niin yrityksen kuin asiakkaiden tarpeita.
Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä empiirisestä osuudesta. Empiirisessä osuudessa toteutettiin laadullinen tutkimus, jossa aineisto kerättiin etäyhteyksillä toteutetuilla teemahaastatteluilla. Aineiston analyysissa sovellettiin sisällönanalyysia sekä temaattista analyysia.
Tutkimuksessa havaittiin selvästi värien vaikutus käyttäjien tunteisiin. Viileät värit, sininen ja vihreä, koettiin yleisesti rauhallisina ja miellyttävinä. Lämpimät värit taas koettiin dynaamisina ja voimakkaina. Lämpimiin väreihin, erityisesti keltaiseen, yhdistettiin mielikuvia halvasta hinnasta, ja sen kautta myös huonommasta laadusta. Värien aikaansaamat tunteet vaikuttivat myös merkittävästi ostoaikomukseen. Erityisesti negatiiviset tunteet vaikuttivat kielteiseen ostoaikomukseen todella merkittävästi, jopa enemmän kuin heikko käytettävyys. Tunteiden yhteys myönteiseen ostoaikomukseen ei ollut yhtä yksiselitteinen. Positiivisten tunteiden, kuten ilon, ei nähty merkittävästi lisäävän ostoaikomusta, vaan neutraali tunnetila riitti ostoaikomuksen muodostumiseen. Klassisen estetiikan piirteet, siisteys, selkeys ja raikkaus, olivat keskeisiä myönteisen ostoaikomuksen kannalta.
Competition between online stores caused by the ever growing base of online shoppers has evolved into placing higher emphasis on aesthetics of websites and user interfaces. The aesthetics of a website have a significant effect on the user’s first impression of the website as well as the overall user experience. Color is a key element of visual usability that can easily be used to influence the user’s emotions and general view of the site, as well as its visual usability. The purpose of this research is to study what types of emotions are generated by colors used in the design of online stores and how the colors used in the design may influence the user’s intention to buy from the online store. By better understanding the significant emotions and reactions experienced by users as well as the factors that influence the reactions, it will be possible in the future to design better and more functional websites for online stores in order to meet the needs of customers as well as the organisation. This master's thesis consists of a literature review and an empirical study. The empirical part of the research followed a qualitative methodology, in which the research material was collected through thematic interviews conducted remotely. The collected data was analysed through applying content analysis and thematic analysis. The study clearly observes the effect of colors on users’ emotions. Cool colors, such as blue and green, were generally perceived as calm and pleasant. Warm colors, such as yellow and red, on the other hand, were perceived as dynamic and intense. Warm colors, especially yellow, were associated with mental images of cheap prices, and also consequently lower quality. The emotions evoked by colors also have a significant effect on the intention to buy. In particular, negative emotions affect the negative purchase intention remarkably, even more so than weak usability. The connection between emotions and positive buying intention was less clear. Positive emotions, such as joy, were not seen to significantly increase the intention to buy, since a neutral emotional state was sufficient to form a purchase intention. Features of classical aesthetics, cleanliness, clarity and freshness, are key elements that form positive buying intentions.
Competition between online stores caused by the ever growing base of online shoppers has evolved into placing higher emphasis on aesthetics of websites and user interfaces. The aesthetics of a website have a significant effect on the user’s first impression of the website as well as the overall user experience. Color is a key element of visual usability that can easily be used to influence the user’s emotions and general view of the site, as well as its visual usability. The purpose of this research is to study what types of emotions are generated by colors used in the design of online stores and how the colors used in the design may influence the user’s intention to buy from the online store. By better understanding the significant emotions and reactions experienced by users as well as the factors that influence the reactions, it will be possible in the future to design better and more functional websites for online stores in order to meet the needs of customers as well as the organisation. This master's thesis consists of a literature review and an empirical study. The empirical part of the research followed a qualitative methodology, in which the research material was collected through thematic interviews conducted remotely. The collected data was analysed through applying content analysis and thematic analysis. The study clearly observes the effect of colors on users’ emotions. Cool colors, such as blue and green, were generally perceived as calm and pleasant. Warm colors, such as yellow and red, on the other hand, were perceived as dynamic and intense. Warm colors, especially yellow, were associated with mental images of cheap prices, and also consequently lower quality. The emotions evoked by colors also have a significant effect on the intention to buy. In particular, negative emotions affect the negative purchase intention remarkably, even more so than weak usability. The connection between emotions and positive buying intention was less clear. Positive emotions, such as joy, were not seen to significantly increase the intention to buy, since a neutral emotional state was sufficient to form a purchase intention. Features of classical aesthetics, cleanliness, clarity and freshness, are key elements that form positive buying intentions.
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Master thesis
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