"Meille tulee aina riittämään ruokaa" : ruokahävikille annetut kulttuuriset merkitykset lukiolaisten arjessa
I studied four Finnish high school students and the different cultural meanings that they are giving to food waste in their everyday life. In this bachelor’s dissertation I aimed to find out what kind of food waste my informants face in their everyday life and how they think about food waste. Do they for example see food waste to be a moral, environmental or economic problem? I also aimed to gather some research data about how those different cultural and moral values associated with food can affect food waste. My main research question was: “What kind of cultural values people are associating with food waste”?
The earlier research about this subject has been mainly focused in the different technological, environmental and economic issues in the food waste. In this bachelor’s dissertation I studied the food waste from a cultural point of view. The theoretical background in this project lies in the food culture and the social structuration of food. I gathered the research data by conducting semi-structed pair interviews. I analyzed the research material by using qualitative content analysis.
In relation to my research question, I discovered four different themes. Those themes were the cultural value of food, environmental and other ethical reasons, food waste in different cultures and the nature of eating as a social event. My informants saw the moral values inherited in home, the negative climate effects that food waste has and the moral value associated with the food, were the three main reasons why they felt like throwing away food is morally wrong thing to do.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202005183279Use this for linking