Mitä uutta WebAssembly tuo web-ympäristöön?
JavaScript on pitkään ollut ainoa web-selainten tukema ohjelmointikieli. Suorituskykykriittisissä sovelluksissa sen epätasainen suorituskyky jää kuitenkin usein puuttelliseksi. Tässä tutkielmassa tutustutaan WebAssemblyyn, joka on hyväksi matalan tason kohdekieleksi suunniteltu uusi binäärikoodiformaatti. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä uutta WebAssembly tuo suorituskykyä vaativien web-sovellusten näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa esitellään myös lyhyesti WebAssemblyä edeltäneitä teknologioita. Lähdekirjallisuuden perusteella WebAssembly näyttäisi tuovan merkittäviä suorituskykyparannuksia JavaScriptiin verrattuna. Sille löytyy lukuisia käyttökohteita web-sovelluksista ja sitä voidaan hyödyntää monin eri tavoin.
JavaScript has been the only programming language supported by web browsers for a long time. In performance critical applications its irregular performance is often insufficient. In this thesis we take a look at WebAssembly, which is a binary code format designed to be a good low-level compilation target. The goal of this thesis is to find out what new does WebAssembly bring to the web environment from the point of view of performance demanding web applications. The thesis also briefly introduces technologies preceding WebAssembly. According to the source literature WebAssembly seems to bring notable performance improvements compared to JavaScript. It has several use cases in web applications and it can be utilized in many different ways.
JavaScript has been the only programming language supported by web browsers for a long time. In performance critical applications its irregular performance is often insufficient. In this thesis we take a look at WebAssembly, which is a binary code format designed to be a good low-level compilation target. The goal of this thesis is to find out what new does WebAssembly bring to the web environment from the point of view of performance demanding web applications. The thesis also briefly introduces technologies preceding WebAssembly. According to the source literature WebAssembly seems to bring notable performance improvements compared to JavaScript. It has several use cases in web applications and it can be utilized in many different ways.
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