Vasteajan vaikutus emotionaaliseen käyttäjäkokemukseen
Vasteajan vaikutus käyttäjäkokemukseen on kiistaton, mutta vasteaikojen suhteesta käyttäjäkokemukseen ja varsinkin sen emotionaalisiin dimensioihin tarvitaan lisää tutkimustietoa. Lisäksi voimassa olevia suosituksia vasteajan sietokyvyn kynnysarvoista täytyy tarkastaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä tavoin matkapuhelin- ja työpöytäsovelluksien yhteydessä eri vasteajat vaikuttavat osaamisen, turhautumisen ja hallinnan tunteeseen. Tutkimuksen koehenkilöt suorittivat tuntikirjaustehtäviä sovelluksella, jonka käyttöliittymän vasteaikaa vaihdeltiin välittömän, 1 sekunnin ja 2 sekunnin välillä. Lisäksi sovelluksen tyyppiä, matkapuhelin- ja työpöytäsovellus, vaihdeltiin. Koehenkilöt täyttivät kokeen edetessä emotionaalisia dimensioita mittaavia kyselyitä, joita tutkittiin tilastollisin menetelmin. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että olemassa olevia suosituksia kynnysarvoista voidaan pitää edelleen voimassa olevina. Vasteajan kasvaminen vähensi erittäin merkitsevästi osaamisen ja hallinnan, ja kasvatti erittäin merkitsevästi turhautumisen tunnetta. Sovelluksen tyypillä ei ollut merkitsevää vaikutusta testattujen vasteaikojen aiheuttamiin kokemuksiin. Tutkimuksen tulos auttaa ymmärtämään, millainen vaikutus vasteajalla on suunnitteluratkaisujen emotionaalisessa käyttäjäkokemuksessa.
The effects of the system response time on user experience is indisputable. Additional research is still needed to further examine the connection between system response time and user experience and especially its emotional dimensions. The current tolerance thresholds for acceptable system response times need to be re-evaluated. The objective of this study was to investigate how system response times of mobile and desktop applications affect the feelings of competence, frustration and control. The participants of this research conducted time tracking tasks and both the system response times and application types were varied. The different delays for application user interface were instantaneous, 1 second and 2 seconds. The tasks were done with a mobile and a desktop application. During the experiment the participants completed questionnaires which measured the emotional dimensions. These were statistically analyzed. The outcome suggests that current system response time tolerance thresholds are valid. Increase in system response time decreased most significantly the feeling of competence and control but increased most significantly the feeling of frustration. The application type didn’t have significant effect on experiences caused by system response times. The results help designers to understand how system response time affect the emotional user experience of design solutions.
The effects of the system response time on user experience is indisputable. Additional research is still needed to further examine the connection between system response time and user experience and especially its emotional dimensions. The current tolerance thresholds for acceptable system response times need to be re-evaluated. The objective of this study was to investigate how system response times of mobile and desktop applications affect the feelings of competence, frustration and control. The participants of this research conducted time tracking tasks and both the system response times and application types were varied. The different delays for application user interface were instantaneous, 1 second and 2 seconds. The tasks were done with a mobile and a desktop application. During the experiment the participants completed questionnaires which measured the emotional dimensions. These were statistically analyzed. The outcome suggests that current system response time tolerance thresholds are valid. Increase in system response time decreased most significantly the feeling of competence and control but increased most significantly the feeling of frustration. The application type didn’t have significant effect on experiences caused by system response times. The results help designers to understand how system response time affect the emotional user experience of design solutions.
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