Kotkan kaupungin ilmasto- ja energiatyö suhteessa Aalborgin sitoumuksiin
Tässä tapaustutkimuksessa arvioidaan Kotkan kaupungin ilmasto- ja energiatyötä suhteessa Aalborgin sitoumuksiin. Tutkimusote on laadullinen, aineistona toimivat dokumentit ja haastattelut. Haastattelut on toteutettu avoimina haastatteluina pohjaten Aalborgin sitoumuksiin. Aineistojen analyyseissa on käytetty sisällönanalyysia.
Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin jokaisen käsitellyn 38 Aalborgin sitoumuksen kohdan toteutuminen täysin, osittain tai ei ollenkaan. Kolme kohtaa täyttyi kokonaan, yksi ei ollenkaan ja loput 34 osittain. Kotkan kaupunki on edistynyt etenkin kasvihuonekaasujen vähentämisessä, ympäristöohjelman luomisessa sekä uusiutuvan energian lisäämisessä. Lisäystarpeet ovat edelleen laajat, keskeisinä esimerkkeinä energiankulutuksen vähentäminen, ilmasto- ja energiaohjelman jalkauttaminen, sekä kaupunkisuunnittelussa ja hankinnassa ilmasto- ja energianäkökulmien laaja huomioonotto.
Sidottaessa tutkimus teoreettiseen viitekehykseen ilmeni kolme keskeistä teemaa: kestävän kehityksen pioneerityön tekeminen, kestävän kehityksen työn jalkauttaminen sekä resurssien takaaminen kestävän kehityksen prosessimuotoiselle työlle. Kotka voidaan nähdä tekevän pioneerityötä kestävän kehityksen edistämisessä, mutta Kotkankin työn jalkautuminen on vielä kesken. Kotkassa voidaan nähdä tarpeellisena taata kestävän kehityksen työn muuttuminen prosessimaiseksi osaksi kaikkea toimintaa ja varmistaa resurssit toiminnalle.
The research covers case study of the city of Kotka and how city’s climate and energy work implements the Aalborg commitments. The research methods are qualitative. The data used are documents and interviews. The data is analyzed by using the structure of the Aalborg commitments. The interviews’ structure is based on the analysis of the documents. All data is analyzed by content analysis. In the research 38 Aalborg commitments are analyzed to be implemented fully, partly or not at all. Kotka fully implements three commitments and does not implement at all one commitment. The rest 34 commitments are partly implemented. The city of Kotka has been successful especially in the fields of reducing greenhouse gases, creating management program and increasing renewable energies. The possible future improvement needs are on the fields of reducing energy consumption, implementing management program to the city and in increasing sustainability in procurement and city planning. There are three themes in the literature review and in this research, which seem to be important in regards to the sustainability management of municipalities. These are the importance of pioneer cities, implementation of sustainability management and ensuring resources for the process of sustainability management. Kotka seems to be one of the pioneer cities in Finland in sustainable development. It is one of the six municipalities which have signed the Aalborg commitments. Kotka is in the starting phase of implementing their climate and energy program, and they need to ensure continuous implementation and improvement of the work. There might be need to develop the program to cover not just climate and energy, but also economic and social aspects of sustainability. There is tendency to conduct sustainability management in municipalities as projects with highly limited resources. The sustainability management should be process rather than project and it should be implemented in all areas. The city of Kotka has sustainability as cross sectional theme in their strategy, which might indicate the city is aiming to change sustainability work from subsequent projects to process of continuous improvement.
The research covers case study of the city of Kotka and how city’s climate and energy work implements the Aalborg commitments. The research methods are qualitative. The data used are documents and interviews. The data is analyzed by using the structure of the Aalborg commitments. The interviews’ structure is based on the analysis of the documents. All data is analyzed by content analysis. In the research 38 Aalborg commitments are analyzed to be implemented fully, partly or not at all. Kotka fully implements three commitments and does not implement at all one commitment. The rest 34 commitments are partly implemented. The city of Kotka has been successful especially in the fields of reducing greenhouse gases, creating management program and increasing renewable energies. The possible future improvement needs are on the fields of reducing energy consumption, implementing management program to the city and in increasing sustainability in procurement and city planning. There are three themes in the literature review and in this research, which seem to be important in regards to the sustainability management of municipalities. These are the importance of pioneer cities, implementation of sustainability management and ensuring resources for the process of sustainability management. Kotka seems to be one of the pioneer cities in Finland in sustainable development. It is one of the six municipalities which have signed the Aalborg commitments. Kotka is in the starting phase of implementing their climate and energy program, and they need to ensure continuous implementation and improvement of the work. There might be need to develop the program to cover not just climate and energy, but also economic and social aspects of sustainability. There is tendency to conduct sustainability management in municipalities as projects with highly limited resources. The sustainability management should be process rather than project and it should be implemented in all areas. The city of Kotka has sustainability as cross sectional theme in their strategy, which might indicate the city is aiming to change sustainability work from subsequent projects to process of continuous improvement.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201312022711Use this for linking