Mental health promotion competencies in the health sector

This study aimed to investigate competencies for mental health promotion and to determine what competencies are needed in health sector practice. The research was based on the views provided by professionals and experts by experience working and acting in the field of mental health promotion. The research was carried out in stages. First, the concept of mental health promotion was analysed to provide a framework for the subsequent studies. Next, the views of mental health professionals regarding mental health promotion-related competencies were examined by means of focus groups (2 groups; 6+7 participants) and an open-ended questionnaire survey (20 participants); the data was analysed with content analysis. A Delphi survey followed in order to facilitate a consensus-building process on the identification of the mental health promotion competencies (32 participants). In addition, the qualitative data from the Delphi survey were analysed using thematic analysis. Finally, experts by experience (10 participants) assessed the produced competencies in a focus group meeting, which was analysed by thematising the data (unpublished results). In the study, 16 main competencies and 56 subcompetencies for mental health promotion were identified. These were divided into theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and attitudes and values, with each category representing an aspect of mental health promotion competency. The results highlighted the great variety of competencies needed for mental health promotion. Knowledge of positive mental health emerged strongly, as did requirements for intersectoral collaboration skills. According to the results, domains such as a client-based approach and empowerment of individuals and communities were especially emphasised in the competencies. The results provide a resource for competency development. The identified competencies provide a tool to enhance education and training in mental health promotion. They can be used to assess the level of proficiency of the workforce and as a follow-up. Furthermore, the competencies aid in identifying training needs of staff and can be used as a self-assessment tool to appraise current competencies and to identify areas for professional development.
Main Author
Theses Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
  • Artikkeli I: Tamminen, N., Solin, P., Barry, M. M., Kannas, L., Stengård, E., & Kettunen, T. (2016). A systematic concept analysis of mental health promotion. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 18 (4), 177-198. DOI: 10.1080/14623730.2016.1204934
  • Artikkeli II: Tamminen, N., Solin, P., Stengård, E., Kannas, L., & Kettunen, T. (2019). Mental health promotion competencies in the health sector in Finland : a qualitative study of the views of professionals. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 47(2), 115-120. DOI: 10.1177/1403494817711360 JYX:
  • Artikkeli III: Tamminen, N., Solin, P., Kannas, L., Linturi, H., Stengård, E., & Kettunen, T. (2018). Mental health promotion competencies in the health sector based on a Delphi study. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 13(6), 297-306. DOI: 10.1108/jmhtep-01-2018-0003. JYX:
  • Artikkeli IV: Tamminen, N., Solin, P., Barry, M. M., Kannas, L. & Kettunen, T. 2021. Intersectoral partnerships and competencies for mental health promotion: a Delphi-based qualitative study in Finland. Submitted for publication.
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