Riitelyn ja eri mieltä olemisen hetket pariterapiaistunnoissa sekä niiden aikana ilmenevät muutokset sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiossa
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia muutoksia ilmenee puolisoiden ihon sähkönjohtavuuden (SCR) aktivaatiossa pariterapiassa tapahtuvan riitelyn ja erimielisyyden hetkien aikana ja mitä keskusteluvuorovaikutuksen eri elementtejä ilmenee SCR-muutosten ajallisessa yhteydessä. Lisäksi pyrittiin selvittämään, ilmeneekö sympaattisen hermoston vasteissa synkroniaa puolisoiden välillä ja esiintyykö synkroniaa myös terapeuttien ja asiakkaiden välillä. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin Relationaalinen mieli -tutkimushankkeen pariterapia-aineistoa. Aineisto koostui videoiduista pariterapiaistunnoista, keskusteluista tehdyistä litteraatioista ja osallistujien ihon sähkönjohtavuuden mittauksista. Riitahetkien kartoittamisessa ja pariskuntien vuorovaikutuksen tarkastelussa hyödynnettiin keskustelunanalyysin menetelmiä. Sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiota selvitettiin puolestaan tarkastelemalla ihon sähkönjohtavuutta, jota mitattiin pariterapiaistuntojen aikana osallistujien kämmenestä kahden elektrodin avulla. Tutkimuksen kohteeksi valittiin kaksi pariskuntaa, joiden istunnoilta löytyi yhteensä 16 riidan tai erimielisyyden hetkeä. Näistä yksityiskohtaisempaan analyysiin valikoitui kuusi riitahetkeä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin sympaattisen hermoston aktivoituvan riitojen aikana suhteellisen vähän. Ensimmäisellä pariskunnalla ilmeni riitahetkien aikana yhteensä viisi ihon sähkönjohtavuuden korkeaa huippukohtaa, ja toisella pariskunnalla niitä oli neljä. Molemmilla pariskunnilla korkeita huippukohtia ilmeni enemmän pariskunnan ulkoisesti rauhallisemmalla osapuolella. Tämä osapuoli oli vuorovaikutuksessa pääsääntöisesti myös altavastaajan tai selontekovelvollisen asemassa ja joutui puolustautumaan. Asiakkaiden välillä havaittiin sympaattisten hermostojen synkronisoitumista lähes kaikkien riitahetkien aikana. Positiivisen synkronian riitahetkiä oli eniten ja negatiivisen synkronian riitahetkiä toiseksi eniten. Lisäksi oli löydettävissä riitahetkiä, joiden aikana ei esiintynyt synkroniaa lainkaan ja riitahetkiä, joiden aikana esiintyi sekä positiivista että negatiivista synkroniaa. Tarkasteltaessa terapeuttien ja asiakkaiden välistä synkroniaa havaittiin, ettei synkroniaa muodostunut usein lainkaan. Kuitenkin jokaisen riitahetken aikana jollakin asiakas–terapeutti-dyadilla ilmeni synkroniaa. Laadultaan positiivista ja negatiivista synkroniaa esiintyi heillä yhtä paljon. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella pariskunnan sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiota riitahetkien aikana vaikuttaa selittävän valta-asetelmat ja tunteiden tukahduttaminen. Tutkimuksen havaintoihin ja aiemmista tutkimuksista saatuun tietoon pohjaten voidaan päätellä erityisesti negatiivisen synkronian olevan hyödyllistä pariterapiassa tapahtuvan riitelyn aikana, sillä se viittaa yhteissäätelyyn osapuolten välillä. Toisaalta myös positiivinen synkronia voi olla merkityksellistä joissakin riitatilanteissa, sillä sen voidaan katsoa viittaavan toisen osapuolen tunteisiin samaistumiseen. Positiivista ja negatiivista synkroniaa olisi syytä tutkia jatkossa lisää, jotta voitaisiin ymmärtää paremmin sen merkitystä ja yhteyttä pariterapian keskeisiin vuorovaikutusilmiöihin.
The purpose of this study was to examine what kind of changes occur in couples’ skin conductance responses (SCR) during moments of fighting and disagreement in couples therapy. The aim was also to investigate what elements of conversational interaction occur in temporal connection with those SCR-changes. The second purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is sympathetic nervous systems’ synchrony between the couples and between therapists and clients. This study utilized data from The Relational Mind research project. The data contained videotaped couples therapy sessions, transcriptions of conversations and measures of electrodermal activation. Conversation analysis was used to find moments of conflict and disagreement from therapy sessions. Conversation analysis methods were also utilized to study couples’ elements of interaction during conflicts. Activation of sympathetic nervous system was examined by measuring electrodermal activity (EDA), especially skin conductance responses (SCR). It was registered with two electrodes attached to the participants’ non-dominant palm. Two couples were chosen as subjects for this study. These couples disagreed or quarreled 16 times during therapy sessions. Six of these moments were chosen for more detailed analysis. The amount of times the sympathetic nervous system activated during conflicts was relatively small. The first couple had five high peaks in SCR during conflicts while the second couple had four. In both of the couples, the visibly calmer spouse was found to have more of the high peaks. This spouse was also mostly in the role of the “underdog” or in charge of explaining the situation and had to defend themselves. The clients’ sympathetic nervous systems synchronized during almost every conflict. The couples had mostly positive synchrony during conflicts and second mostly negative synchrony. There were also moments of conflict where there was not any synchrony, and moments where there was both positive and negative synchrony. Examining the synchrony between therapists and clients it was found out that often there was not any synchrony at all. However, during every moment of conflict there was synchrony between at least some of the therapists and clients involved. There were as much positive as negative synchronies between them. Based on this study it seems that activation of the sympathetic nervous system during conflict can be explained by the role one takes and suppression of emotions. Based on this and other studies it can be concluded that especially negative synchrony can be beneficial during conflicts in couples therapy, because it suggests co-regulation in the couple. On the other hand, positive synchrony can also be significant in some situations because it might suggest that one relates to the other’s feelings. Positive and negative synchrony should be studied more in the future so that its significance and connection to communication in couples therapy could be understood better.
The purpose of this study was to examine what kind of changes occur in couples’ skin conductance responses (SCR) during moments of fighting and disagreement in couples therapy. The aim was also to investigate what elements of conversational interaction occur in temporal connection with those SCR-changes. The second purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is sympathetic nervous systems’ synchrony between the couples and between therapists and clients. This study utilized data from The Relational Mind research project. The data contained videotaped couples therapy sessions, transcriptions of conversations and measures of electrodermal activation. Conversation analysis was used to find moments of conflict and disagreement from therapy sessions. Conversation analysis methods were also utilized to study couples’ elements of interaction during conflicts. Activation of sympathetic nervous system was examined by measuring electrodermal activity (EDA), especially skin conductance responses (SCR). It was registered with two electrodes attached to the participants’ non-dominant palm. Two couples were chosen as subjects for this study. These couples disagreed or quarreled 16 times during therapy sessions. Six of these moments were chosen for more detailed analysis. The amount of times the sympathetic nervous system activated during conflicts was relatively small. The first couple had five high peaks in SCR during conflicts while the second couple had four. In both of the couples, the visibly calmer spouse was found to have more of the high peaks. This spouse was also mostly in the role of the “underdog” or in charge of explaining the situation and had to defend themselves. The clients’ sympathetic nervous systems synchronized during almost every conflict. The couples had mostly positive synchrony during conflicts and second mostly negative synchrony. There were also moments of conflict where there was not any synchrony, and moments where there was both positive and negative synchrony. Examining the synchrony between therapists and clients it was found out that often there was not any synchrony at all. However, during every moment of conflict there was synchrony between at least some of the therapists and clients involved. There were as much positive as negative synchronies between them. Based on this study it seems that activation of the sympathetic nervous system during conflict can be explained by the role one takes and suppression of emotions. Based on this and other studies it can be concluded that especially negative synchrony can be beneficial during conflicts in couples therapy, because it suggests co-regulation in the couple. On the other hand, positive synchrony can also be significant in some situations because it might suggest that one relates to the other’s feelings. Positive and negative synchrony should be studied more in the future so that its significance and connection to communication in couples therapy could be understood better.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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