Urheiluharrastuksesta luopuneiden nuorten fyysinen aktiivisuus, vapaa-ajan liikuntamotiivit ja urheiluharrastuksesta luopumisen syyt
Hurskainen, H. 2017. Urheiluharrastuksesta luopuneiden nuorten fyysinen aktiivisuus, vapaa-ajan liikuntamotiivit ja urheiluharrastuksesta luopumisen syyt. Jyväskylän yliopisto, liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu –tutkielma. 116 s., 3 liitettä.
Iso osa lapsista ja nuorista sekä ylipäänsä suomalaisista liikkuu alle annettujen suositusten, vaikka liikunnan harrastaminen näyttäisi tutkimusten mukaan lisääntyneen. Yhä useampi lapsi ja nuori liik-kuu urheiluseurassa, mutta omatoimisen liikunnan määrä näyttää romahtaneen. Niin Suomessa kuin maailmallakin kasvava ongelma nuorisourheilussa on drop out –ilmiö eli urheiluharrastuksesta luo-puminen. Yhtä selkeää syytä nuorten harrastuksesta luopumiselle on vaikea löytää, vaan syitä on yleensä useita. Myös motiivit liikkua ovat usean eri tekijän summa eivätkä samat motiivit liikuta lasta välttämättä läpi elämän. Lisätieto urheiluharrastuksesta luopuneiden vapaa-ajan liikunnasta voisi auttaa saavuttamaan annetut liikuntasuositukset ja lisätä hyvinvointia koko yhteiskunnassa.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää urheiluharrastuksesta luopuneiden nuorten vapaa-ajan liikunnan motiiveja, määrää sekä syitä lopettaa urheiluharrastus. Sähköinen ja paperinen kyselyloma-ke lähetettiin kaikille vuonna 1995 syntyneille, vuonna 2010 urheiluharrastuksen lopettaneille jalka- ja koripalloilijoille sekä jääkiekkoilijoille, jotka olivat osallistuneet tutkimuksen kahteen aiempaan osuuteen. Aineisto kerättiin kesän 2014 aikana ja kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 388 nuorta. Kysely sisäl-si kolme mittaria: QRA–mittarilla kysyttiin harrastuksesta luopumisen syitä, fyysisen aktiivisuuden mittarilla vapaa-ajan liikuntamäärää, intensiteettiä sekä kestoa ja EMI-2 –mittarilla motiiveja liikkua vapaa-ajalla.
Aineiston kuvailussa käytettiin keskiarvoja, keskihajontoja, frekvenssejä sekä prosenttiosuuksia. Liikuntamotivaatiomittarin (EMI-2) väittämistä koodattiin teoreettisen ennakko-oletuksen mukaisesti kahdeksan summamuuttujaa. Sukupuolten välisiä eroja tarkasteltiin kaikissa kolmessa tutkimuson-gelmassa t-testillä ja kolmen päälajin välisiä eroja yksisuuntaisella varianssianalyysillä sekä LSD-testillä. Tutkittaessa liikuntamotiivien ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden välisiä yhteyksiä fyysisen aktiivisuu-den mittaria päädyttiin supistamaan koskemaan ainoastaan liikunnan useutta. Mittareiden luotetta-vuus tarkastettiin Pearsonin tulomomenttikorrelaatiokertoimien sekä Cronbachin alfa-kertoimien avul-la.
Tuloksista käy ilmi, että kolme yleisintä syytä luopua urheiluharrastuksesta olivat ”en nauttinut har-rastamisesta”, ”opintoni vaativat enemmän aikaa” sekä ”harrastaminen ei ollut tarpeeksi innostavaa”. Keskiarvoja tarkastelemalla naiset arvioivat kaikki syyt merkityksellisimmiksi verrattuna miesten vastauksiin. Lajien välillä eroa oli kolmessa lopettamissyytä mittaavassa muuttujassa. Fyysinen aktii-visuus oli harrastuksesta luopuneilla varsin hyvällä tasolla verrattaessa muihin tutkimuksiin sekä suosituksiin. Liikuntamotiiveista tärkeimmiksi nousivat tässä tutkimuksessa terveys, voima ja kestä-vyys sekä nauttiminen. Naiset arvioivat muun muassa terveyden, nauttimisen ja stressinhallinnan merkittävimmiksi verrattaessa miesten vastauksiin, kun taas miehille kilpaileminen oli naisia selkeäs-ti tärkeämpi liikuntamotiivi. Päälajien osalta eroa löytyi kolmesta liikuntamotiivista. Fyysisesti aktii-visimmat näyttivät pitävän kaikkia liikuntamotiiveja vähemmän liikkuvia merkityksellisempinä.
Tulokset olivat hyvin samanlaisia, kuin muissa aiemmin samasta aihepiiristä tehdyissä tutkimuksissa. Erot eri lajien ja sukupuolten välillä urheiluharrastuksesta luopumisen syissä voivat johtua esimerkik-si siitä, kuinka paljon juuri kyseistä urheilua arvostetaan ulkopuolelta. Urheiluharrastuksesta luopu-neet näyttävät olevan fyysisesti varsin aktiivisia, vaikkakin osa jää varmasti suositusten ulkopuolelle. Liikuntamotiivit näyttävät muuttuvan iän myötä ja esimerkiksi sosiaalisuuden merkitys liikuntamotii-vina laskee, kun ikää tulee lisää. Ulkoiset paineet liikunnan harrastamiselle voivat vääristää liikun-taan osallistumisen motiiveja.
ABSTRACT Hurskainen, H. 2017. The withdrawn youth physical activity, leisure-time exercise motives, and rea-sons for withdrawal from sports. University of Jyväskylä, Master Thesis in Sport Pedagogy. 116 s., 3 appendices. A large portion of children and youth or Finnish population overall, exercises less than the general recommendation levels, even though the numbers of people playing sports seems to increasing, ac-cording to the research. More and more children and adolescence exercises in a sports club, but the self-acting amount of exercises seems to be collapsing. In Finland, and also in the world, a growing problem in youth sports is the drop-out phenomenon, which means dropping out from a sports hobby. It is difficult to find one obvious reason for dropping out, because usually there are more than one reason. Also, the motives to exercise are the sum of many factors and the same motives don’t apply to the person throughout their life. Additional information about the drop-outs could possible help to reach the general exercise recommendations and increase overall wellbeing in the whole nation. The purpose of this research was to examine the youth drop-out spare time exercise motives, amount and reasons for dropping out. Both electrical and paper questionnaire were sent to all who were born in 1995 and had dropped out from playing football, basketball or ice hockey in 2010, and had also participated in the two previous sections before. The data was collected during the summer of 2014 and overall the research had 388 participants. The questionnaire included three different measure-ments: QRA- instrument, which asked the participant about reasons for dropping out, physical activi-ty instrument, which measured the amount, intensity and endurance of spare time exercise and EMI-2 – instrument, which measured the motives to exercise during the spare time. The data was described using means, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages. The exercise motivation instrument EMI-2 items were summed according to the hypothesis into eight subscales. The difference between males and females were measured in all the three research questions using t-test and comparing three main sports differences with one way ANOVA and LSD-test. While exam-ining the connections between exercise motives and physical activity, the physical activity instrument was decided to be reduced into only the frequency of exercise. The reliability of instruments was examined using Pearson correlation coefficient and Cronbach’s alpha. The results showed that three most common reasons for withdrawal were “I was not enjoying the hobby”, “my studies required more time” and “the hobby was not inspiring enough”. The means showed that females measured all the reasons more meaningful than males. There were significant differences in three different variables comparing the different sports. Physical activity levels were relatively high with the withdrawn youth, comparing to the previous research and general recommen-dations. According to the study, the most important factors in exercise motivation were health, strength and endurance as well as enjoyment. Females evaluated, among other things, health, enjoy-ment and stress management more meaningful than males, but on the other hand, males found com-peting more meaningful. The main sports had significant differences in three exercise motives. The more physically active ones showed to have less significance in all of the exercise motives than the less active ones. The results were very similar with previous research published in similar field. The reasons for with-drawal in different sports and gender can be a cause of for example, how the specific sport is valued externally. The drop-outs seem to be physically very active, even though part of them will surely exercise less than the general guidelines suggest. The exercise motives seem to change along aging and for example the importance of social aspects decreases while aging. The external pressure can distort the motives to participate in leisure-time physical activity.
ABSTRACT Hurskainen, H. 2017. The withdrawn youth physical activity, leisure-time exercise motives, and rea-sons for withdrawal from sports. University of Jyväskylä, Master Thesis in Sport Pedagogy. 116 s., 3 appendices. A large portion of children and youth or Finnish population overall, exercises less than the general recommendation levels, even though the numbers of people playing sports seems to increasing, ac-cording to the research. More and more children and adolescence exercises in a sports club, but the self-acting amount of exercises seems to be collapsing. In Finland, and also in the world, a growing problem in youth sports is the drop-out phenomenon, which means dropping out from a sports hobby. It is difficult to find one obvious reason for dropping out, because usually there are more than one reason. Also, the motives to exercise are the sum of many factors and the same motives don’t apply to the person throughout their life. Additional information about the drop-outs could possible help to reach the general exercise recommendations and increase overall wellbeing in the whole nation. The purpose of this research was to examine the youth drop-out spare time exercise motives, amount and reasons for dropping out. Both electrical and paper questionnaire were sent to all who were born in 1995 and had dropped out from playing football, basketball or ice hockey in 2010, and had also participated in the two previous sections before. The data was collected during the summer of 2014 and overall the research had 388 participants. The questionnaire included three different measure-ments: QRA- instrument, which asked the participant about reasons for dropping out, physical activi-ty instrument, which measured the amount, intensity and endurance of spare time exercise and EMI-2 – instrument, which measured the motives to exercise during the spare time. The data was described using means, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages. The exercise motivation instrument EMI-2 items were summed according to the hypothesis into eight subscales. The difference between males and females were measured in all the three research questions using t-test and comparing three main sports differences with one way ANOVA and LSD-test. While exam-ining the connections between exercise motives and physical activity, the physical activity instrument was decided to be reduced into only the frequency of exercise. The reliability of instruments was examined using Pearson correlation coefficient and Cronbach’s alpha. The results showed that three most common reasons for withdrawal were “I was not enjoying the hobby”, “my studies required more time” and “the hobby was not inspiring enough”. The means showed that females measured all the reasons more meaningful than males. There were significant differences in three different variables comparing the different sports. Physical activity levels were relatively high with the withdrawn youth, comparing to the previous research and general recommen-dations. According to the study, the most important factors in exercise motivation were health, strength and endurance as well as enjoyment. Females evaluated, among other things, health, enjoy-ment and stress management more meaningful than males, but on the other hand, males found com-peting more meaningful. The main sports had significant differences in three exercise motives. The more physically active ones showed to have less significance in all of the exercise motives than the less active ones. The results were very similar with previous research published in similar field. The reasons for with-drawal in different sports and gender can be a cause of for example, how the specific sport is valued externally. The drop-outs seem to be physically very active, even though part of them will surely exercise less than the general guidelines suggest. The exercise motives seem to change along aging and for example the importance of social aspects decreases while aging. The external pressure can distort the motives to participate in leisure-time physical activity.
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Master thesis
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