Pro Bono Publico? : Demand for Military Spending Between the World Wars
Published 2017Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Nationalism and Internationalism Reconciled : British Concepts for a New World Order during and after the World Wars
Published 2018Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Scandinavia and the great powers in the First World War
Published 2020Subjects:Articles Journal article -
Maailmansotien vaikutus vallankumouksiin Venäjällä, Suomessa, Espanjassa ja Kiinassa
Published 2014Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
‘Where the F… is Vuotso?’ : heritage of Second World War forced movement and destruction in a Sámi reindeer herding community in Finnish Lapland
Published 2018Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Elintarvikehuolto ja -säännöstely Suomessa vuosina 1914-1921
Published 1979Subjects: “…World War, 1914-1918…”
Theses Doctoral thesis -
‘A Hellish Nightmare’ : The Swedish Press and the Construction of Early Holocaust Narratives, 1945–1950
Published 2021Subjects: “…second world war…”
Peer reviewedBooks Book part -
The enemy, mud and other troubles : experiences of the British junior officers on the Western Front during the First World War
Published 2018Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Mureen kirjeet: Evakkous ja elämäntavan muutos rajakarjalais-ortodoksisten sisarusten kirjeenvaihdoissa 1930-luvulta 1970-luvulle
Published 2021Subjects:Theses Doctoral thesis -
Ukraine’s memory war : the order of discourse in Ukrainian memory politics about the WW2
Published 2022Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
The fragility of Finnish parliamentary democracy at the moment when Prussianism fell
Published 2019Subjects: “…World War I…”
Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Kuinka naistenlehdestä tuli osa sotapropagandaa: Naisihanteen muodostuminen ja muokkautuminen Kotiliesi-lehdessä toisen maailmansodan aikana
Published 2020Subjects:Theses Doctoral thesis -
Essentializing Ethnicity : Expellees and Ethno-National Categorizations in the European Postwar Moment, 1943-1948
Published 2024Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
German and Austrian occupant literature on the Sami in Norway and Lapland : “Harmless” minority, a resource, and well-off “reindeer kings”
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Journal article -
Peaceful Foreign Policy and Remembrance of War Effort : The Conceptualisation of Willingness to Defend in Finland and Its Connections to Previous Armed Conflict, 1960s–1989
Published 2022Subjects:Peer reviewedBooks Book part -
Perheet ahtaalla : asuntopula ja siihen sopeutuminen toisen maailmansodan jälkeisessä Helsingissä 1944-1948
Published 2014Subjects:Theses Doctoral thesis -
For the sake of peace and democracy : the representation of German post-war suffering and victimhood in The Scotsman and The Glasgow Herald 1945-1949
Published 2020Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Clashing over commemoration : the memory politics of Sandarmokh
Published 2021Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Parliament and the Press : Forging the United Nations in Wartime Britain, 1939–45
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
The First World War, the Russian Revolution and Varieties of Democracy in Northwest European Debates
Published 2018Subjects:Peer reviewedBooks Book part