Liikuntaharjoittelun määrän vaikutukset valtimoiden elastisuuteen, leposykkeeseen ja veren rasva-arvoihin
Published 2011Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Associations of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Time With Arterial Stiffness in Pre-Pubertal Children
Published 2017Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Fyysisen aktiivisuuden, paikallaanolon ja kestävyyskunnon yhteydet valtimojäykkyyteen ja valtimoiden laajenemiskykyyn : 2 vuoden seurantatutkimus esimurrosikäisillä lapsilla
Published 2019Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Acute arterial stiffness, testosterone and force production responses and recovery from different combined strength and endurance loading models
Published 2017Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Mediating role of organized sports participation on the relationship between body fatness and arterial wall thickness among adolescents : ABCD Growth Study
Published 2025Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Higher carotid-radial pulse wave velocity is associated with non-melancholic depressive symptoms in men : findings from Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
Published 2021Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
3D imaging and analysis of skeletal muscle arterial network structure in response to exercise training in normal and overweight mice
Published 2024Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Standalone sauna vs exercise followed by sauna on cardiovascular function in non‐naïve sauna users : A comparison of acute effects
Published 2021Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Association between arterial health and cognition in adolescents : The PANIC study
Published 2024Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Associations of Cardiovascular Health Metrics in Childhood and Adolescence With Arterial Health Indicators in Adolescence : The PANIC Study
Published 2024Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Association between resting blood pressure and maximal blood pressure response to exercise and arterial health
Published 2022Subjects:Theses Master thesis