Sammutusjätevesien hallinta ja ympäristövaikutukset Suomessa
Published 2018Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
A multiresidue analytical method for trace level determination of antibiotics and antiretroviral drugs in wastewater and surface water using SPE-LC-MS/MS and matrix-matched standar...
Published 2016Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
A practical approach to improve the statistical performance of surface water monitoring networks
Published 2019Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Valuma-alueen maankäytön ja ominaisuuksien vaikutus järvien tummumiseen
Published 2023Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Occurrence of antibiotics and antiretroviral drugs in source-separated urine, groundwater, surface water and wastewater in the peri-urban area of Chunga in Lusaka, Zambia
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Occurrence of antibiotics and risk of antibiotic resistance evolution in selected Kenyan wastewaters, surface waters and sediments
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Contamination of Surface Water and River Sediments by Antibiotic and Antiretroviral Drug Cocktails in Low and Middle-Income Countries : Occurrence, Risk and Mitigation Strategies
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Carbon budget and molecular structure of natural organic matter in bank infiltrated groundwater
Published 2021Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Sunlit surface waters : exploring the photochemical reactivity of dissolved organic carbon
Published 2017Subjects:Theses Doctoral thesis -
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in municipal wastewater treatment plants and receiving surface waters in Central and Southern Finland
Published 2016Subjects:Theses Doctoral thesis -
Occurrence and control of selected antibiotics and antiretroviral drugs in urban hydrological cycles
Published 2018Subjects:Theses Doctoral thesis