Spatial variability of muscle activity during human walking: The effects of different EMG normalization approaches
Published 2015Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Aikuisiän selän ryhtihäiriön yhteys kävelyn spatiotemporaalisiin askelmuuttujiin
Published 2023Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
A novel method for accurate division of the gait cycle into seven phases using shank angular velocity
Published 2024Subjects: “…gait analysis…”
Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Continuous Analysis of Running Mechanics by Means of an Integrated INS/GPS Device
Published 2019Subjects: “…gait analysis…”
Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Deep learning approach for prediction of impact peak appearance at ground reaction force signal of running activity
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Effects of exercise intervention on gait kinematics and lower limb function of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy
Published 2019Subjects: “…gait analysis…”
Theses Master thesis -
Ulotteisuuden pienentäminen pääkomponenttianalyysilla liikeanalyysissa
Published 2019Subjects:Theses Bachelor thesis -
Improving gait in cerebral palsy : effects of a combined strength, flexibility and gait training Intervention on lower limb gait kinematics and kinetics in children and young adult...
Published 2021Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
The reliability of measuring medial gastrocnemius muscle-tendon unit lengths during gait
Published 2021Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Feasibility of markerless motion capture in clinical gait analysis in children with cerebral palsy
Published 2023Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Effect of Biomechanical Footwear on upper and lower leg muscle activity in comparison with knee brace and normal walking
Published 2021Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Prediction of active peak force using a multilayer perceptron
Published 2017Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Comparative assessment of heel rise detection for consistent gait phase separation
Published 2024Subjects: “…gait analysis…”
Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Acute effects of a robotic ankle exosuit on the gait biomechanics, metabolic cost, and muscle activity during walking in patients with unilateral cerebral palsy
Published 2021Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Wearing an ultrasound probe during walking does not influence lower limb joint kinematics in adolescents with cerebral palsy and typically developing peers
Published 2024Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Recovery of mobility function and life-space mobility after ischemic stroke : the MOBITEC-Stroke study protocol
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article