Kardiovaskulaaristen riskitekijöiden yhteys masennusoireisiin ja koettuun stressiin nuorilla
Published 2023Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Menopause modulates the circulating metabolome : evidence from a prospective cohort study
Published 2022Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Comparison of objectively measured and estimated cardiorespiratory fitness to predict all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in adults : A systematic review and meta-analys...
Published 2025Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Review article -
Eating behavior and cardiometabolic health : associations of eating habits with glucose and lipid metabolism in menopausal women
Published 2021Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Paikallaanolon vähentämisen vaikutus lipidiarvoihin henkilöillä, joilla on metabolinen oireyhtymä
Published 2022Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
The effect of hormone replacement therapy on HDL-cargo of postmenopausal women : special reference to microRNA content
Published 2020Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Associations of cardiorespiratory fitness with alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase concentrations in 6-9-year-old children
Published 2018Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Body size at birth and coronary heart disease-related hospital care in adult men : Findings from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
Published 2017Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Associations of autonomic nervous system with blood pressure and heart rate responses during exercise
Published 2020Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
The effect of physical exercise on body fat, metabolic health indicators and cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight sedentary women
Published 2020Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Effectiveness of Distance Technology in Promoting Physical Activity in Cardiovascular Disease Rehabilitation : Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial, A Pilot Study
Published 2021Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Short-term effects of Finnish sauna bathing on blood-based markers of cardiovascular function in non-naive sauna users
Published 2018Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Sauna bathing is associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality and improves risk prediction in men and women: a prospective cohort study
Published 2018Subjects: “…cardiovascular disease…”
Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Associations of maximum oxygen uptake and body composition with arterial stiffness and blood lipids : a cross-sectional study among physically active females in two different train...
Published 2024Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Association between resting blood pressure and maximal blood pressure response to exercise and arterial health
Published 2022Subjects:Theses Master thesis -
Handgrip strength is inversely associated with fatal cardiovascular and all-cause mortality events
Published 2020Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Aktiivinen elää pidempään : fyysinen aktiivisuus, sydänsairaudet ja kokonaiskuolleisuus iäkkäillä ihmisillä
Published 2015Subjects:Theses Doctoral thesis -
Resistance Training Induces Antiatherogenic Effects on Metabolomic Pathways
Published 2019Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article -
Osteoprotegerin and Cardiovascular Events in High-Risk Populations: Meta-Analysis of 19 Prospective Studies Involving 27450 Participants
Published 2018Subjects: “…cardiovascular disease…”
Peer reviewedArticles Review article -
Marriage Dissatisfaction and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death Among Men
Published 2019Subjects:Peer reviewedArticles Research article