The representation of migration and migrants in Finnish print media during the years 2019–2021
Aineisto koostuu Excel-taulukkomuotoisesta sanoma- ja aikakauslehtiartikkelilistauksesta (297 artikkelia viitetietoineen). Aineistoon on valikoitu vuosilta 2019–2022 artikkeleita, joissa mainitaan maahanmuutto, maahanmuuttajuus, turvapaikan hakeminen, pakolaisuus tai muu kiinteästi maahanmuuttoon linkittyvä aihe (esim. kotoutuminen, uuden kotimaan kielen oppiminen tms.). Muutto voi suuntautua mihin tahansa maailmassa, ja muuttajien lähtöalue voi olla mikä tahansa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sitä, onko maahanmuuttokeskustelu erilaista riippuen lähtöalueesta, kohdealueesta tai muuton syistä.
The data consist of an Excel spreadsheet listing of newspaper and journal articles (297 articles with references). The material includes selected articles from 2019 to 2022 that mention immigration, applying for asylum, refugeedom, or other topics closely related to immigration (e.g. integration, learning a new language, etc.). Migration can take place anywhere in the world, and the migrants can come from any region. The study will examine whether the debate on immigration differs depending on the region of origin, the region of destination, or the reasons for migration.
The data consist of an Excel spreadsheet listing of newspaper and journal articles (297 articles with references). The material includes selected articles from 2019 to 2022 that mention immigration, applying for asylum, refugeedom, or other topics closely related to immigration (e.g. integration, learning a new language, etc.). Migration can take place anywhere in the world, and the migrants can come from any region. The study will examine whether the debate on immigration differs depending on the region of origin, the region of destination, or the reasons for migration.
Main Author
Publication in research information system
University of Jyväskylä
The permanent address of the publication this for linking
- Ryynänen, Sanna. The representation of migration and migrants in Finnish print media during the years 2019–2021. V. 12.1.2024. University of Jyväskylä. 10.17011/jyx/dataset/93469
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Suomen Kulttuurirahasto
Finnish Cultural Foundation
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CopyrightRyynänen, Sanna