Lene-arvio apuna 1. luokalla ilmenevien oppimisvaikeuksien ennakoinnissa
Lähtökohdat -- Lasten kehityksen ongelmat ovat laaja ja monisyinen alue, jota Leikki-ikäisen lapsen neurologisen kehityksen arvio (Lene) auttaa arvioimaan. Suuri osa pysyvistä kehityksen ongelmista on jo varhaisessa vaiheessa päällekkäistyviä ja herkästi kumuloituvia. Neuvolatyössä on tärkeää tunnistaa ensisijassa pysyvimmät ja vakavimmin lapsen kehitystä haittaavat ongelmat. Menetelmät -- Lasten kehitystä seurattiin neuvolassa Lene-arvion avulla 4- (n = 434), 5- (n = 412) ja 6-vuotiaana (n = 394). Seurantaa jatkettiin ensimmäisen kouluvuoden kevääseen, jolloin opettajat täyttivät kyselylomakkeen lasten (n = 283) suoriutumisesta. Tulokset -- Kehitys todettiin Lenessä ikätasoiseksi 57-65 %:lla ja selkeästi viiveiseksi 8,8-14 %:lla lapsista ikäryhmästä riippuen (4-, 5- ja 6-vuotiaat). Neljävuotiaana ikätasoisesti suoriutuneiksi todetuista 72 % selviytyi ongelmitta 1. luokasta, selviä eri laajuisia ongelmia tuli 15 %:lle. Selvä viive 4-vuotiaana Lenessä ennakoi selviä oppimisen ongelmia 1. luokalla 68 %:lla ja lieviä 18 %:lla. Lievästi viiveisten ryhmän suoriutumista 1. luokan tavoitteista oli vaikeampi ennustaa. Seurantatulokset olivat samansuuntaisia 5- ja 6-vuotiaiden ikäryhmissä. Päätelmät -- Lene-arvio toimii koulun alkuvaiheessa ilmenevien selkeiden oppimisvaikeuksien ja toisaalta normaalirajoissa jatkuvan kehityksen tunnistamisessa seulatason arvioksi riittävän hyvin. Jos ongelmat ovat lieviä tai kapea-alaisia, myöhemmän kehityksen suunnan ennakoiminen on vaikeampaa. Lene-arvion lisäksi vanhempien ja päivähoidon havainnot ovat tärkeitä kokonaiskuvan muodostamiseksi lapsen kehityksestä.
Background -- Developmental delays/problems in children are wide-ranging and complex. However, they can, at least in part, be predicted by means of the "Lene" test. Most developmental problems are overlapping and cumulative from an early age on. It is imperative to recognise severe developmental delays in children by clinical screening. Methods -- Health care nurses used the Lene test to screen development in children aged 4 (n=434), 5 (n=412) and 6 years (n=394). Screening was continued until the second semester of the first year in school when the teachers completed a detailed questionnaire about the children's (n=283) performance. Results -- The Lene-test found development in children to be normal in 57-65% and significantly delayed in 8.8-14% of cases, depending on the age group (4-, 5- and 6-year-olds). 72% of the children who were classed as normal at the age of 4 completed the first year of school without problems whereas 15% of these children exhibited significant problems. 68% of the children diagnosed as having significant delays at the age of 4 encountered significant problems during the first year of school and 18% had mild problems. It was more difficult to predict performance during the first year in the mild-delay group. Conclusions -- The Lene-test appears to have diagnostic validity when predicting significant learning difficulties or continued near-to-normal development during the first year of school. In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of a child's development, observations made by the parents and the day care staff should be taken into consideration and used in conjunction with the Lene-test.
Background -- Developmental delays/problems in children are wide-ranging and complex. However, they can, at least in part, be predicted by means of the "Lene" test. Most developmental problems are overlapping and cumulative from an early age on. It is imperative to recognise severe developmental delays in children by clinical screening. Methods -- Health care nurses used the Lene test to screen development in children aged 4 (n=434), 5 (n=412) and 6 years (n=394). Screening was continued until the second semester of the first year in school when the teachers completed a detailed questionnaire about the children's (n=283) performance. Results -- The Lene-test found development in children to be normal in 57-65% and significantly delayed in 8.8-14% of cases, depending on the age group (4-, 5- and 6-year-olds). 72% of the children who were classed as normal at the age of 4 completed the first year of school without problems whereas 15% of these children exhibited significant problems. 68% of the children diagnosed as having significant delays at the age of 4 encountered significant problems during the first year of school and 18% had mild problems. It was more difficult to predict performance during the first year in the mild-delay group. Conclusions -- The Lene-test appears to have diagnostic validity when predicting significant learning difficulties or continued near-to-normal development during the first year of school. In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of a child's development, observations made by the parents and the day care staff should be taken into consideration and used in conjunction with the Lene-test.
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Suomen lääkäriliitto
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Vertaisarvioinnin tila
Suomen lääkärilehti
- Valtonen, R., Mustonen, K., Lyytinen, P., & Ahonen, T. (2007). Lene-arvio apuna 1. luokalla ilmenevien oppimisvaikeuksien ennakoinnissa. Suomen lääkärilehti, 62(4), 275-281. https://www.laakarilehti.fi/tieteessa/alkuperaistutkimukset/lene-arvio-apuna-1-luokalla-ilmenevien-oppimisvaikeuksien-ennakoinnissa/
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