Merkityksellinen oppiminen luokanopettajakoulutuksen historian pedagogiikan opinnoissa
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan luokanopettajakoulutuksen perusopetuksessa opetettavien aineiden ja aihekokonaisuuksien monialaisten opintojen historian ja yhteiskuntaopin pedagogiikan opintojaksoja ja niissä tapahtuneita merkityksellisiä oppimiskokemuksia. Opintojaksoille on Jyväskylän yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen opetussuunnitelmauudistuksessa kehitetty malli, jossa merkityksellisillä oppimiskokemuksilla pyritään vahvistamaan luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden osaamista historiallisessa ajattelussa. Opintojaksoilla keskeisessä asemassa ovat ensimmäisen vuoden luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden suunnittelemat ja toteuttamat oppimisprojektit, joiden tarkoituksena on luoda tällaisia oppimiskokemuksia ja tukea niiden kautta opintojakson historialliseen ajatteluun liittyvien tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Aineisto (N=56) koostuu opiskelijoiden tavoiteltuja oppimiskokemuksia kuvaavista kirjoitelmista, jotka he tekivät osana opintojaan. Analyysissä opiskelijoiden oppimiskokemukset jakautuivat kolmeen merkityskategoriaan. Merkitykselliset oppimiskokemukset painottuivat erityisesti kokonaisvaltaiseen opettajuuden kehittymiseen ja vähäisemmin historian opettamiseen ja oppimiseen. Tulokset ohjaavat pohtimaan sekä käytetyn mallin kehittämistä että laajemmin historian pedagogiikan opintojen järjestämistä luokanopettajakoulutuksessa.
This article examines meaningful learning experiences in pedagogical courses focusing on history and social studies as part of class teacher education at the University of Jyväskylä. These courses are part of the 60 ects in multidisciplinary and cross-curricular pedagogical studies that qualify class teachers to work in basic education. This study is based on a model for meaningful learning experiences developed through curriculum reform in the department of teacher education. In this study the model has been used to strengthen the competence of teacher students in historical thinking as they design and implement learning projects during the first year of class teacher education. The course objectives are to develop skills in historical thinking and to be able to research the development of these skills through the design and implementation of learning projects. The data (N=56) consist of texts describing meaningful learning experiences written by the class teacher students as part of the course. In the analysis, the students’ meaningful learning experiences were divided into three categories. The findings indicate that meaningful learning experiences for the student teachers emphasize overall teacher development with the teaching and learning of history receiving less emphasis. These findings help to consider how this model can be further developed and in particular the role of history studies within class teacher education.
This article examines meaningful learning experiences in pedagogical courses focusing on history and social studies as part of class teacher education at the University of Jyväskylä. These courses are part of the 60 ects in multidisciplinary and cross-curricular pedagogical studies that qualify class teachers to work in basic education. This study is based on a model for meaningful learning experiences developed through curriculum reform in the department of teacher education. In this study the model has been used to strengthen the competence of teacher students in historical thinking as they design and implement learning projects during the first year of class teacher education. The course objectives are to develop skills in historical thinking and to be able to research the development of these skills through the design and implementation of learning projects. The data (N=56) consist of texts describing meaningful learning experiences written by the class teacher students as part of the course. In the analysis, the students’ meaningful learning experiences were divided into three categories. The findings indicate that meaningful learning experiences for the student teachers emphasize overall teacher development with the teaching and learning of history receiving less emphasis. These findings help to consider how this model can be further developed and in particular the role of history studies within class teacher education.
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Research article
Publication in research information system
Suomen ainedidaktinen tutkimusseura
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Tallavaara, R., & Hiljanen, M. (2023). Merkityksellinen oppiminen luokanopettajakoulutuksen historian pedagogiikan opinnoissa. Ainedidaktiikka, 7(2), 48-69.
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