Emulsioräjähdysaineen panostusprosessin tiedonlouhinta
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli löytää uutta ja hyödyllistä tietoa emulsioräjähdysaineen panostusprosessista hyödyntäen tiedonlouhinnan menetelmiä. Aineistona oli panostusyksiköistä kerätty moniulotteinen aikasarjadata. Tutkielmassa käytiin läpi kohdealueeseen ja aikasarjojen erityispirteisiin sopivia ohjaamattoman oppimisen menetelmiä. Tiedonlouhinnan menetelmiksi valittiin kontekstuaalinen matriisiprofiili ja sen soveltaminen klusterointiin ja poikkeavuuksien havaitsemiseen seuraten Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) -prosessia. Menetelmien avulla datasta löydettiin poikkeavuuksia. Tulosten avulla pyritään parantamaan panostusprosessin laatua sekä tarjoamaan tarkempaa tietoa asiakkaille.
The aim of this theses was to find novel and useful information from emulsion explosives charging process. Multivariate time series data was collected from charging units. Suitable unsupervised machine learning methods for times series data were discussed. Data mining methods used were contextual matrix profile applied to clustering and anomaly detection following the steps of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process. Anomalies and discords were found as a result. Results and information are to be used to improve the quality of the charging process and provide more detailed information to customers.
The aim of this theses was to find novel and useful information from emulsion explosives charging process. Multivariate time series data was collected from charging units. Suitable unsupervised machine learning methods for times series data were discussed. Data mining methods used were contextual matrix profile applied to clustering and anomaly detection following the steps of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process. Anomalies and discords were found as a result. Results and information are to be used to improve the quality of the charging process and provide more detailed information to customers.
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202112226127Käytä tätä linkitykseen