Does high involvement management make you work longer? Insights from linked survey and register data
Böckerman, P., Bryson, A., Ilmakunnas, I., & Ilmakunnas, P. (2025). Does high involvement management make you work longer? Insights from linked survey and register data. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 30, Article 100549.
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Journal of the Economics of AgeingDate
© 2025 the Authors
Management practices that employers implement can influence the utility that workers derive from their jobs significantly, potentially impacting their retirement decisions. Our study is among the first to investigate the effects of different combinations of high involvement management practices on workers’ retirement intentions. By analysing linked survey and register data, we find that information sharing and employer-provided training together, or both combined with teamwork lead to later expected retirement ages among those who are near the official retirement age in Finland.
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Additional information about funding
Pekka Ilmakunnas gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the HSE Support Foundation.License
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