International migrations and (im)mobilities : identities, agency, and voice of young adults with a refugee background. Repilot action activity handbook
Kärkkäinen, K., & Pöyhönen, S. (2024). International migrations and (im)mobilities : identities, agency, and voice of young adults with a refugee background. Repilot action activity handbook. University of Jyväskylä.
© Authors 2024
In this handbook you will find:
- a brief description of the NEW-ABC project and the main concepts that guide it;
- some general guidelines and specific tips for adapting this pilot action to different contexts;
- the aims and objectives of the pilot action;
- a thorough description of the activities conducted alongside tips for replicating them;
- some reflections emerging from our experience that you might find useful for your adaptation.
University of JyväskyläISBN
Publication in research information system
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- Elektroniset kirjat [569]
Related funder(s)
European CommissionFunding program(s)
IA Innovation Action, H2020
The content of the publication reflects only the author’s view. The funder is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Additional information about funding
NEW ABC has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004640.License
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