Observation of the 𝐽≀7/2 low-spin states in 213Fr populated in the electron capture of the 1/2βˆ’ ground state of 213Ra

A detailed level scheme of 21 Fr126 following the EC/𝛽+ decay of the 1/2βˆ’ 213Ra parent ground state was built in an experiment performed at the ISOLDE Decay Station, CERN. The fragmented total 𝛽 decay strength favours the direct population of several low-spin (𝐽≀7/2) excited states. The analysis of the 𝛾-singles spectrum and π›Ύβˆ’π›Ύ coincidences allowed us to identify many new 𝛾-ray transitions and excited states in 213Fr up to about 3.6 Me Vexcitation energy. The spins and parities of the newly established levels, on top of the (7/2βˆ’1) state, were mainly assigned based on the systematics of the 𝑁=126 isotones and further compared with shell-model calculations. The level scheme displays a structural pattern, with several groups of states with negative parity, emerging from the well defined, simple, πœ‹β‘(β„Ž59/2), πœ‹β‘(β„Ž49/2⁑𝑓17/2) configurations or from their configuration mixing. The strength of the E2 transitions within the multiplets is compared with shell-model theoretical calculations performed with the KHPE and H208 effective interactions. A new (3/2βˆ’) isomer with a half-life of 26(3) ns has been identified. An upper limit of 35 ps was determined for the half-life of the first excited state, 7/2βˆ’. The possibility of a mixed 𝑀⁒1 +𝐸⁒2 character is discussed for the 7/2βˆ’1β†’9/2βˆ’gs decay in 213Fr, which leads to an 𝑙-forbidden nature of the πœ‹β’π‘“7/2β†’πœ‹β’β„Ž9/2 transition.
Published in
Physical Review C
  • Clisu, C., Andreyev, A. N., Nita, C. R., Lica, R., NaΓ―dja, H., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Berry, T. A., Borge, M. J. G., Cocolios, T. E., Costache, C., Cubiss, J. G., De Witte, H., Fraile, L. M., Fynbo, H., Gadelshin, V. M., Granados, C., Greenlees, P., Heinke, R., Huyse, M., Lazarus, I., Leimbach, D., Marginean, N., Marginean, R., Marsh, B. A., Mihai, C., Mosat, P., Nacher, E., Negret, A., Ovejas, J. D., Page, R. D., Pascu, S., Perea, A., Podolyak, Zs., Pucknell, V., Rahkila, P., Rezynkina, K., Rossel, R. E., Sotty, C. O., Stan, L., Studer, D., Tengblad, O., Van Duppen, P., Vedia, V., Warr, N., The IDS Collaboration. (2024). Observation of the 𝐽≀7/2 low-spin states in 213Fr populated in the electron capture of the 1/2βˆ’ ground state of 213Ra. Physical Review C, 110, Article 064315. https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevc.110.064315
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European Commission
Funding program(s)
Research infrastructures, H2020
Research infrastructures, H2020
European Commission
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Additional information about funding
This work was supported through Romanian IFA Grant CERN/ISOLDE, by the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization under Contract No. PN 23 21 01 02, the Spanish Funding Agency MICIN/AEI/(FEDER, EU) under Projects PID2019-104390GB-I00, PID2021-126998OB-I00, PID2022-140162NB-I00, and RTI2018-098868-B-I00, German BMBF under Contract No. 05P21PKCI1 and Verbundprojekt 05P2021, Slovak Research and Development Agency (Contract No. APVV-22-0282) and Scientific Grant Agency VEGA (Contract No. 1/0651/21), Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC, UK) Grants No. ST/P004598/1 and No. ST/V001027/1, FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium), C14/22/104 (BOF KU Leuven), the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO under the Excellence of Science (EOS) Program No. 40007501, the European Research Council Grant No. 101088504 (NSHAPE) and ENSAR2: European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 654002.
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