Rigid medium-sized rings : applications and synthesis
Tämän pro gradu- tutkielman kirjallinen osa keskittyy keskikokoisten rengasrakenteisten yhdisteiden ominaisuuksiin, stereoselektiivisiin synteesistrategioihin,
esiintyvyyteen luonnonaineissa, sekä hyödyntämiseen lääkeainekemiassa. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin
fotokemiallista Cope toisiintumista mahdollisena uutena menetelmänä trisubstituoitujen alkeenien stereoselektiiviseen synteesiin.
Kirjallisen osan alkupäässä käsitellään esim. keskikokoisten renkaiden jäykistäviä elementtejä,
stereokemiaa sekä konformaatioanalyysiä. Keskikokoisten renkaiden synteesi orgaanisessa kemiassa on hyvin vaikeaa mm. jännittyneen rakenteen, destabiloivien transannulaaristen vuorovaikutusten sekä syklisaatioreaktioissa tapahtuvan entropian pieneneminen vuoksi. Kolmannessa luvussa käsitellään esimerkkejä renkaanlaajennus- ja syklisaatioreaktioista, joiden avulla on syntetisoitu keskikokoisia renkaita stereoselektiivisesti. Luvussa 4 esitellään keskikokoisen renkaan sisältäviä
karbo- ja heterosyklisiä yhdisteitä lääkeainesuunnittelussa/lääkeainekemian näkökulmasta.
Synteesiin liittyvistä vaikeuksista huolimatta keskikokoiset renkaat ovat hyvin mielenkiintoisia rakenneyksiköitä lääkeaineissa, mikä on lisännyt kiinnostusta synteesimenetelmien kehittämiseen. Lisäksi esim. 8- ja 9-jäsenisiä renkaita esiintyy useissa luonnonaineissa kuten
seskviterpeeneihin kuuluvassa karyofylleenissa, joka syntetisoitiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1963. Keskikokoisten renkaiden synteesimenetelmien kehitys jatkuu edelleen, esimerkiksi Petri Pihkon tutkimusryhmän synteesikohteena oleva humiliisini E on 9-renkaan sisältävä
Tämän tutkielman kokeellisessa osassa toteutettiin funktionalisoidun keskikokoisen renkaan lähtöaineen synteesi käyttämällä fotokemiallista isomerisaatiota avainvaiheena. Lähtöaineen hiilirunko syntetisoitiin alkylaation ja Weinreb-ketoni-synteesin avulla. Fotokemiallinen isomerisaatio onnistui, mutta reaktio ei ollut täysin stereoselektiivinen. Isomerisaatioreaktion päätuotteena saatiin funktionalisoitua trisubstituoitua Z-alkeenia, jota voitaisi edelleen hyödyntää 10-renkaisen laktonin synteesiin.
The literature review section of this master's thesis focuses on the properties of compounds with medium-sized rings, stereoselective synthesis strategies, occurrence in natural products, and utilization in medicinal chemistry. In the experimental part, the photochemical Cope rearrangement was explored as a potential new method for the stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted alkenes. The beginning of the literature review discusses, for example, the rigidifying elements of medium-sized rings, stereochemistry, and conformational analysis. The synthesis of medium-sized rings in organic chemistry is very difficult, for example, due to the strained structure, destabilizing transannular interactions, and lowering of entropy in the cyclization reaction. The third chapter discusses examples of ring expansion and cyclization strategies that have been used to synthesize medium-sized rings stereoselectively. Lastly, carbo- and heterocyclic compounds containing medium-sized rings are presented from the perspective of medicinal chemistry and their applications. Despite the difficulties associated with synthesis, medium-sized rings are very interesting structural units in the design of pharmaceuticals. This feature has increased interest in the development of synthesis methods. In addition, medium-sized rings, such as 8- and 9-membered rings are found in several natural products. An example is the sesquiterpene caryophyllene, which was synthesized for the first time in 1963. The development of synthetic methods for medium-sized rings continues today. In current research, humilisin E, a macrocycle containing a 9-membered ring is a target of total synthesis in the research group of Petri Pihko. In the experimental part of this thesis, a functionalized starting material for medium-sized ring synthesis was prepared using a photochemical isomerization reaction as the key step. The carbon backbone of the starting material was synthesized by alkylation and Weinreb ketone synthesis. The photochemical isomerization was successful, but the reaction was not completely stereoselective, and a functionalized trisubstituted Z-alkene was obtained as the major product.
The literature review section of this master's thesis focuses on the properties of compounds with medium-sized rings, stereoselective synthesis strategies, occurrence in natural products, and utilization in medicinal chemistry. In the experimental part, the photochemical Cope rearrangement was explored as a potential new method for the stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted alkenes. The beginning of the literature review discusses, for example, the rigidifying elements of medium-sized rings, stereochemistry, and conformational analysis. The synthesis of medium-sized rings in organic chemistry is very difficult, for example, due to the strained structure, destabilizing transannular interactions, and lowering of entropy in the cyclization reaction. The third chapter discusses examples of ring expansion and cyclization strategies that have been used to synthesize medium-sized rings stereoselectively. Lastly, carbo- and heterocyclic compounds containing medium-sized rings are presented from the perspective of medicinal chemistry and their applications. Despite the difficulties associated with synthesis, medium-sized rings are very interesting structural units in the design of pharmaceuticals. This feature has increased interest in the development of synthesis methods. In addition, medium-sized rings, such as 8- and 9-membered rings are found in several natural products. An example is the sesquiterpene caryophyllene, which was synthesized for the first time in 1963. The development of synthetic methods for medium-sized rings continues today. In current research, humilisin E, a macrocycle containing a 9-membered ring is a target of total synthesis in the research group of Petri Pihko. In the experimental part of this thesis, a functionalized starting material for medium-sized ring synthesis was prepared using a photochemical isomerization reaction as the key step. The carbon backbone of the starting material was synthesized by alkylation and Weinreb ketone synthesis. The photochemical isomerization was successful, but the reaction was not completely stereoselective, and a functionalized trisubstituted Z-alkene was obtained as the major product.
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Master thesis
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