Toward ethical praxis in longitudinal research with children : Reflecting on ethical tensions in participatory research
Inha, K. (2025). Toward ethical praxis in longitudinal research with children : Reflecting on ethical tensions in participatory research. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 4(1), Article 100173.
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Research Methods in Applied LinguisticsAuthors
© 2024 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The field of early foreign language learning research has witnessed an increasing trend to employ participatory methods, stemming from a paradigm shift in how children are viewed in research. In contrast to more traditional approaches that place children as the objects of research, children are considered active agents and participants in research with expert knowledge of their own lives. In this paper I discuss the ethical tensions that surfaced prior, during, and after a research project that employed participatory methods with young children. I reflect on how the methodology broadened understanding of emerging power differences in the researcher–participant relationship, such as how asymmetry in knowledge and participation alternate and manifest during a longitudinal project, engaging the researcher and the children in recurring negotiation of roles and power. While ethical considerations are often presented as a checklist with do's and don't’s for how to proceed, with this article I draw on experiences from my own project and aim to dismantle the complex and messy picture of the ethical process in research with young children. I argue that while the application of participatory methods in early foreign language learning research alleviates ethical tensions to an extent, such as by helping reduce epistemic and institutional power between the researcher and the participants, it is essential to report and reflect on the ethical weighing and reflection undertaken throughout the study as unequal power structures will remain regardless of method.

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Karoliina Inha reports financial support was provided by Finnish Cultural Foundation.License
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