Exploring graphene edges with coherent electron focusing
Rakyta, P., Kormanyos, A., Cserti, J., & Koskinen, P. (2010). Exploring graphene edges with coherent electron focusing. Physical review B : Condensed matter and materials physics, 81(11), Article 115411. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.115411
© 2010 American Physical Society
We study theoretically the coherent electron focusing in graphene nanoribbons. Using semiclassical and numerical tight-binding calculations we show that armchair edges give rise to equidistant peaks in the focusing spectrum. In the case of zigzag edges at low magnetic fields one can also observe focusing peaks but with increasing magnetic field a more complex interference structure emerges in the spectrum. This difference in the spectra can be observed even if the zigzag edge undergoes structural reconstruction. Therefore transverse electron focusing can help in the identification and characterization of the edge structure of graphene samples.
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Additional information about funding
J.Cs. was supported by the Hungarian Science Foundation OTKA under the Contracts No. 75529 and No. 81492. A.K. and J.Cs. also acknowledge the support of the Marie Curie ITN project NanoCTM (FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008-234970). P.K. acknowledges the Academy of Finland for funding and A.K. was supported by EPSRC.License
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