The potential of LSD in treating binge eating : findings from two different experimental designs in mice
Muutokset modernissa ruokateknologiassa ovat helpottaneet epäterveellisten valintojen tekemistä, mikä on johtanut somaattisiin ja psykologisiin ongelmiin. Tähän perustuen uudeksi psykiatriseksi häiriöksi on lisätty ahmintahäiriö. Tutkimus 5-HT2A agonististen psykedeelien tutkimus on nouseva trendi. Alustavien kliinisten kokeiden tulosten perusteella niistä voi olla apua monissa psykiatrisissa sekä tunne-elämän häiriöissä. Psykedeelien vaikutusta ahmintahäiriöön ei kuitenkaan ole juurikaan tutkittu.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella vaikuttaako klassinen psykedeeli lysergihapon dietyyliamidi (LSD) hiirten normaaliin sekä herkkuruuan kulutukseen. Ahmiminen operationalisoitiin kahdella eri koeasetelmalla. Sukroosin eskalaatiokokeessa hiiret saivat sekä tavallista ruokaa että sukroositabletteja ruokinta-automaatista. Toisessa korkeakalorisessa rasva-ahmintamallissa hiiret jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään, jotka saivat tavallista jyrsijäpellettiä ja rasvaruokaa jatkuvasti tai 24 tunnin ajan. Kun syömistä oli testattu, tutkittiin eri LSD-annosten vaikutuksia syömiskäyttäytymiseen.
Sukroosieskalaation tuloksista ei ollut havaittavissa hiirten mieltymystä sukroosipelletteihin, vaan sukroosiryhmän hiiret söivät ylipäätään sekä tavallista ruokatyyppiä että sukroosia kontrolliryhmää enemmän. LSD ei vaikuttanut hiirten syömiskäyttäytymiseen. Runsaskalorisessa rasva-ahmintakokeessa rajoitetun ajan rasvaa saaneet hiiret ahmivat perustasolla rasvaa merkitsevästi muihin ryhmiin verrattuna, mutta psykedeelivaikutusta ei ilmennyt kolmella eri LSD-annoksella missään ryhmässä.
Tulokset herättävät kysymyksiä LSD:n soveltuvuudesta ahmintahäiriön hoidossa ja yleisesti siitä, mallintavatko eläinmallit tarpeeksi psykiatristen sairauksien psykologista ja emotionaalista kompleksisuutta. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma ja sen tulokset luovat pohjaa tuleville tutkimuksille psykedeelien vaikutuksista ahmintahäiriöön ja ruokariippuvuuteen.
The advancements in modern food technology have made palatable foods more accessible resulting in somatic and psychological problems. Based on this, a new classification in eating disorders has been proposed: binge eating disorder (BED). Research on 5-HT2A agonist psychedelic compounds is a popular topic and preliminary clinical trials show promising results in the treatment of many psychiatric conditions and emotional problems. However, research specifically addressing psychedelics and BED is limited. This master’s thesis aimed to observe whether the classical psychedelic lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) influences the consumption of normal and palatable foods in mice. Binge eating was operationalized in two different experimental designs. The first one was sucrose escalation where the mice received ordinary and sucrose tablets from a feeding device. The second experiment, the high-calorie fat bingeing, divided the mice into three groups that would get standard rodent chow and high-calorie fat pellets either continuously or intermittently for 24 hours. After testing the levels of eating, the effects of different doses of LSD on eating behaviors were investigated. The results indicated that the mice in the sucrose escalation experiment did not show a preference for the hedonic sucrose pellets although the sucrose group consumed more food overall compared to the control. LSD did not affect their eating patterns. In the high-calorie fat bingeing experiment, the intermittent group showed significant fat bingeing at baseline, but the psychedelic effect did not manifest after administering three different doses of LSD. The results raise questions about the suitability of LSD in treating BED and in general if animal models shed light on the emotional and psychological complexity of psychiatric diseases. This master’s thesis and its findings pave the way for future applications for psychedelic research for binge eating disorder and food addiction.
The advancements in modern food technology have made palatable foods more accessible resulting in somatic and psychological problems. Based on this, a new classification in eating disorders has been proposed: binge eating disorder (BED). Research on 5-HT2A agonist psychedelic compounds is a popular topic and preliminary clinical trials show promising results in the treatment of many psychiatric conditions and emotional problems. However, research specifically addressing psychedelics and BED is limited. This master’s thesis aimed to observe whether the classical psychedelic lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) influences the consumption of normal and palatable foods in mice. Binge eating was operationalized in two different experimental designs. The first one was sucrose escalation where the mice received ordinary and sucrose tablets from a feeding device. The second experiment, the high-calorie fat bingeing, divided the mice into three groups that would get standard rodent chow and high-calorie fat pellets either continuously or intermittently for 24 hours. After testing the levels of eating, the effects of different doses of LSD on eating behaviors were investigated. The results indicated that the mice in the sucrose escalation experiment did not show a preference for the hedonic sucrose pellets although the sucrose group consumed more food overall compared to the control. LSD did not affect their eating patterns. In the high-calorie fat bingeing experiment, the intermittent group showed significant fat bingeing at baseline, but the psychedelic effect did not manifest after administering three different doses of LSD. The results raise questions about the suitability of LSD in treating BED and in general if animal models shed light on the emotional and psychological complexity of psychiatric diseases. This master’s thesis and its findings pave the way for future applications for psychedelic research for binge eating disorder and food addiction.
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Master thesis
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