Virallinen ja epävirallinen taloudellinen apu vähävaraisten lapsiperheiden vanhempien ja lasten kokemana : fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen tutkimus
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä vähävaraisten lapsiperheiden lasten ja vanhempien kokemuksista virallisesta ja epävirallisesta taloudellisesta avusta. Tutkimuskysymyksiä ovat: 1) minkälaisia merkityksiä vähävaraisten lapsiperheiden vanhemmat antavat epäviralliselle ja viralliselle taloudelliselle avulle, 2) minkälaisia merkityksiä vähävaraisten perheiden lapset antavat epäviralliselle taloudelliselle avulle, 3) minkälaisia yhteisesti jaettuja ja jakamattomia taloudellisen avun merkityksiä lasten ja vanhempien kesken ilmenee.
Tutkimus kiinnittyy fenomenologis-hermeneuttiseen lähestymistapaan ja sen aineisto on analysoitu fenomenologis-hermeneuttisella menetelmällä. Taloudellisen avun kokemusta tarkastellaan 34 vähävaraisen lapsiperheen perheenjäsenen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusosallistujista 20 oli tutkimuksen teon aikana 9–17-vuotiaita lapsia ja 14 aikuisia. Aineistonkeruu tehtiin kahdessa vaiheessa vuonna 2022. Ensimmäisen vaiheen muodostivat haastattelut. Aikuisten haastattelut olivat yksilöhaastatteluja, lapsilla oli yksilöhaastattelujen lisäksi parihaastatteluja ja yksi ryhmähaastattelu. Toisessa vaiheessa taloudellisen avun kokemusta lähestyttiin luoviin menetelmiin perustuvilla video- ja kirjoitustuotoksilla. Toiseen vaiheeseen osallistui yksi lapsi ja kuusi aikuista.
Aineiston analyysin perusteella vanhempien ja lasten virallisen ja epävirallisen taloudellisen avun merkitykset ilmenevät kolmena merkityskokonaisuutena, jotka ovat taloudellisen avun perusta, taloudellisen avun tarpeet ja hakemisen prosessit, sekä epävirallinen taloudellinen apu mahdollistajana. Lapsilla ja vanhemmilla on yhteisesti jaettuja, mutta myös jakamattomia taloudellisen avun merkityksiä, joita ilmenee kaikissa kolmessa merkityskokonaisuudessa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että lapsiperheiden taloudellisen avun kokonaisuuden tarkastelu sekä lasten että vanhempien näkökulmasta tuottaa kokonaisvaltaista ymmärrystä tutkimusaiheesta. Tutkimuksen perusteella fenomenologisesti orientoituneella sosiaalityön tutkimuksella voidaan lähestyä yksilöiden kokemuksellisen näkökulman lisäksi laajoja, lapsiperheköyhyyden kaltaisia yhteiskunnallisia kysymyksiä.
The aim of this study is to increase understanding of the experiences low-income families’ parents and children have on formal and informal financial aid. The research questions are: 1) what kinds of meanings parents from low-income families associate with informal and formal financial aid, 2) what kinds of meanings children from low-income families associate with informal financial aid, and 3) what kinds of shared and unshared meanings of financial aid children and parents have. The study is based on the phenomenological hermeneutical approach, and the data has been analyzed using the phenomenological hermeneutical method. Family members from 34 low-income families provided their experiences on financial aid for examination. At the time of the study, 20 of the research participants were children aged 9–17, while 14 were adults. Data collection was carried out in two phases during 2022. The first phase consisted of interviews. The adults were interviewed individually, while the children were, in addition to individual interviews, interviewed in pairs and in one group. During the second phase, the experience of financial aid was examined with creative methods, including videos and written material. One child and six adults participated in this second phase. Based on the analysis of the data, the meanings parents and children associate with formal and informal financial aid are manifested in three distinct sets, which are the basis of financial aid, the needs and processes of applying for financial aid, and informal financial aid as an enabler. Children and parents have both shared and unshared meanings of financial aid, which appear in all three sets. The study indicates that examining financial aid from both children’s and parents’ point of view produces a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Based on the study and its results, phenomenologically oriented social work research can be used to address broad societal issues, such as child and family poverty, in addition to experiential perspectives of individuals.
The aim of this study is to increase understanding of the experiences low-income families’ parents and children have on formal and informal financial aid. The research questions are: 1) what kinds of meanings parents from low-income families associate with informal and formal financial aid, 2) what kinds of meanings children from low-income families associate with informal financial aid, and 3) what kinds of shared and unshared meanings of financial aid children and parents have. The study is based on the phenomenological hermeneutical approach, and the data has been analyzed using the phenomenological hermeneutical method. Family members from 34 low-income families provided their experiences on financial aid for examination. At the time of the study, 20 of the research participants were children aged 9–17, while 14 were adults. Data collection was carried out in two phases during 2022. The first phase consisted of interviews. The adults were interviewed individually, while the children were, in addition to individual interviews, interviewed in pairs and in one group. During the second phase, the experience of financial aid was examined with creative methods, including videos and written material. One child and six adults participated in this second phase. Based on the analysis of the data, the meanings parents and children associate with formal and informal financial aid are manifested in three distinct sets, which are the basis of financial aid, the needs and processes of applying for financial aid, and informal financial aid as an enabler. Children and parents have both shared and unshared meanings of financial aid, which appear in all three sets. The study indicates that examining financial aid from both children’s and parents’ point of view produces a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Based on the study and its results, phenomenologically oriented social work research can be used to address broad societal issues, such as child and family poverty, in addition to experiential perspectives of individuals.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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JYU Dissertations
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä