Suomalainen sinfoniaorkesteri : menneisyys, nykyisyys ja tulevaisuus johtamisen näkökulmasta : tapaustutkimus Jyväskylä Sinfoniasta
This case research concentrates on the Finnish symphony orchestra from multi-scientific perspectives: historical, musicological and economical. The first two are quite often seen as viewpoints of research, but so far there has only been a small amount of discussion concerning the phenomena of combining cultural life and business. This study will raise the issue by focusing on one cultural institution. The aim is to deepen the understanding of symphony orchestras, its' leading and the work of musicians. The study consists of three different sub-studies: one monograph and two articles. The monograph is a historical study of the orchestral institution, which gives a clear view of the eventful past of the Jyväskylä Sinfonia. It also finds some evidence to clear up a problem of the foundation of this subject organization. The first article is based on the assumption of total quality (TQ): the belief that the total quality of a symphony orchestra can be divided into several measurable parts, for example managing, conducting, communication, interaction and motivation. By improving these parts, it is supposed that the total quality - also the quality of playing - will improve, because the quality of music itself is not measurable, this assumption gives one concrete possibility for orchestras to measure their product. For that reason, the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model was adapted to the needs of orchestra organizations to form a proper tool to estimate the quality of an orchestra. However, in this study, the quality of the subject organization was not evaluated, but only described. The second article focuses on the ageing of orchestral musicians, which is already clearly seen nowadays in orchestras and which is increasing year by year. The goals of this article are firstly, to find some solutions in solving the problems of the ageing musicians themselves as well as the changing organizations and secondly, to provide a solid foundation for further and comprehensive research. The monograph part was explored with a few methods of historical research like structural and reception ways of studying. The method used in articles was riangulation, especially methodological and data triangulation. In the first article the data was gathered from administrative personnel and from the conductor by qualitative half structured interviews and from the musicians by a quantitative questionnaire to increase the reliability of the research. After the analysis the main results were pointed out. In the second article some musician interviews, the use of a variety of data sources and the experience of the researcher were used when drawing conclusions. One of the most important results of this study as considered in its entirety is the increased understanding of the history of orchestras as a whole, as well as the obvious transformation of conducting and management of orchestras. Transformational leadership and empowerment are going to capture ground from transactional managing and from the high hierarchy of orchestras. On the grounds of this study, it seems evident that orchestral life follows the leadership trends in business and economical life. The transformation is slower than in those mentioned fields, but it is still obvious: it continues without interruption.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
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Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Korhonen, P. (2005). Jyväskylä sinfonia : torvisoittokunnasta kaupunginorkesteriksi. Jyväskylä sinfonia. Full text
- Artikkeli II: Korhonen, P. (2007). Muusikkojen ikääntyminen sinfoniaorkestereiden haasteena. Musiikki : Suomen musiikkitieteellisen seuran julkaisu, 37(3), 64-90. Full text
- Artikkeli III: Korhonen, P. (2008). Sinfoniaorkesterin sisäisen laadun kuvaus: tapaustutkimus Jyväskylä Sinfoniasta.. Musiikki : Suomen musiikkitieteellisen seuran julkaisu, 37(4), 37-66. Full text