Wagner diagram for modeling O2 pathway : calculation and graphical display by the Helsinki O2 Pathway Tool
Maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) reflects the individual’s maximal rate of O2 transport and utilization through the integrated whole-body pathway composed of the lungs, heart, blood, circulation, and metabolically active tissues. As such, VO2max is strongly associated with physical capacity as well as overall health and thus acts as one predictor of physical performance and as a vital sign in determination of status and progress of numerous clinical conditions. Quantifying the contribution of single parts of the multistep O2 pathway to VO2max provides mechanistic insights into exercise (in)tolerance and into therapy-, training-, or disuse-induced adaptations at individual or group levels. We developed a desktop application (Helsinki O2 Pathway Tool—HO2PT) to model numerical and graphical display of the O2 pathway based on the ‘Wagner diagram’ originally formulated by Peter D. Wagner and his colleagues.
The HO2PT was developed and programmed in Python to integrate the Fick principle and Fick’s law of diffusion into a computational system to import, calculate, graphically display, and export variables of the Wagner diagram.
Main results.
The HO2PT models O2 pathway both numerically and graphically according to the Wagner diagram and pertains to conditions under which the mitochondrial oxidative capacity of metabolically active tissues exceeds the capacity of the O2 transport system to deliver O2 to the mitochondria. The tool is based on the Python open source code and libraries and freely and publicly available online for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
The HO2PT offers a novel functional and demonstrative platform for those interested in examining VO2max and its determinants by using the Wagner diagram. It will improve access to and usability of Wagner’s and his colleagues’ integrated physiological model and thereby benefit users across the wide spectrum of contexts such as scientific research, education, exercise testing, sports coaching, and clinical medicine.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
IOP Publishing
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202408205571Use this for linking
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Peer reviewed
Published in
Physiological Measurement
- Rissanen, A.-P. E., Mikkola, T., Gagnon, D. D., Lehtonen, E., Lukkarinen, S., & Peltonen, J. E. (2024). Wagner diagram for modeling O2 pathway : calculation and graphical display by the Helsinki O2 Pathway Tool. Physiological Measurement, 45(5), Article 055028. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/ad4c36
Additional information about funding
Funding for this study was provided by Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland (OKM/128/626/2021; OKM/39/626/2022), and Urheiluopistosäätiö.
Copyright© 2024 The Author(s). Published on behalf of Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine by IOP Publishing Ltd.