FinTech-startup finanssialan innovaattorina
Finanssiteknologia (lyh. “FinTech”) ja FinTech-startupit häiritsevinä innovaattoreina muokkaavat ja luovat finanssialan palveluita, joita kuluttajat sekä yritykset päivittäin käyttävät. Finanssiteknologialla tarkoitetaan teknologiaa tai innovaatiota, jonka avulla tuotetaan finanssipalveluita, kuten maksu-, lainan-anto- tai sijoituspalveluita. FinTech-startupien innovaatiot vaikuttavat finanssialan perinteisiin pankkeihin pakottaen niitä muuttamaan omia palveluitaan. Finanssialan perinteisillä toimijoilla on vahva historia teknologian yhteen liittämisestä liiketoimintaansa. Nykytilanne osoittaa kuitenkin suunnanmuutosta markkinoille tulleiden FinTech-startupien sekä niiden innovaatioiden menestymisen takia. Tässä tutkielmassa keskitytään selvittämään FinTech-startupien innovaatioita, menestystekijöitä sekä vuorovaikutussuhdetta perinteisiin pankkeihin. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena, hyödyntäen monipuolisesti vertaisarvioituja tieteellisiä julkaisuja sekä tapaustutkimuksia. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty tietokantahaulla, käyttäen WOS, Scopus, ja Google Scholaria, rajaten hakua esitetyillä avainsanoilla sekä pyrkien löytämään suurimman osan aineistosta viime vuosilta. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että FinTech-startupien menestykseen vaikuttavat tekijät voidaan katsoa olevan sen liiketoimintaekosysteemin digitaalinen kypsyys, viitekehyksellinen sääntely, teknologinen innovointi ja innovaatioiden patentointi, käyttäjäkeskeisyys sekä yhteistyö perinteisten pankkien kanssa. FinTech-startupien ja perinteisten pankkien välillä on havaittavissa niin kilpailua, kuin myös yhteistyötä.
Financial technology (FinTech) and FinTech startups as disruptive innovators, are reshaping and creating financial services that consumers and businesses use daily. Financial technology refers to technology or innovation that produces financial services such as payment, lending, or investment services. The innovations of FinTech startups impact traditional banks in the financial sector, forcing them to change their services. These traditional financial sector players have a strong history of integrating technology into their business. However, the current situation shows a shift in direction due to the success of FinTech startups and their innovations entering the financial markets. This study focuses on examining the innovations and success factors of FinTech-startups, and the relationship between FinTech-startups and traditional banks. The study is conducted as a literature review, utilizing a wide range of peer-reviewed scientific publications and case studies. The research material was collected through database searches using WOS, Scopus, and Google Scholar, narrowing the search with specified keywords, and aiming to find most of the material from recent years. The study also seeks to address the partial research gap identified in the database search regarding the status of FinTech startups in the financial sector. The results of the study indicate that the factors influencing the success of FinTech startups can be seen as the digital maturity of their business ecosystem, regulatory framework, technological innovation and patenting, user-centricity, and collaboration with traditional banks. Both the competition and cooperation can be recognized between FinTech startups and traditional banks.
Financial technology (FinTech) and FinTech startups as disruptive innovators, are reshaping and creating financial services that consumers and businesses use daily. Financial technology refers to technology or innovation that produces financial services such as payment, lending, or investment services. The innovations of FinTech startups impact traditional banks in the financial sector, forcing them to change their services. These traditional financial sector players have a strong history of integrating technology into their business. However, the current situation shows a shift in direction due to the success of FinTech startups and their innovations entering the financial markets. This study focuses on examining the innovations and success factors of FinTech-startups, and the relationship between FinTech-startups and traditional banks. The study is conducted as a literature review, utilizing a wide range of peer-reviewed scientific publications and case studies. The research material was collected through database searches using WOS, Scopus, and Google Scholar, narrowing the search with specified keywords, and aiming to find most of the material from recent years. The study also seeks to address the partial research gap identified in the database search regarding the status of FinTech startups in the financial sector. The results of the study indicate that the factors influencing the success of FinTech startups can be seen as the digital maturity of their business ecosystem, regulatory framework, technological innovation and patenting, user-centricity, and collaboration with traditional banks. Both the competition and cooperation can be recognized between FinTech startups and traditional banks.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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