Valmentajan sosiaalisen tuen yhteys lasten liikunnan lukutaitoon
Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten lasten kokema valmentajan
sosiaalinen tuki oli yhteydessä 4–6-luokkalaisten lasten liikunnan lukutaitoon. Tutkimuksen
tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka päteväksi lapset kokivat itsensä liikunnan lukutaidon osalta
sekä minkälaista tukea he kokivat saavansa valmentajalta. Liikunnan lukutaito on jaettu
fyysiseen, psyykkiseen, kognitiiviseen ja sosiaaliseen osa-alueeseen. Valmentajalta saatu
koettu sosiaalinen tuki on jaettu itsemääräämisteorian pohjalta autonomiaan, pätevyyden
kokemuksiin sekä sosiaaliseen yhteenkuuluvuuteen.
Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2020–2023 osana Jyväskylän yliopiston
Liikuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan Taiturit-tutkimusta, johon osallistui 950 4–6-luokkalaista
lasta. Tämän tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä toimi 718 lasta, joista 361 oli tyttöjä ja 349 poikia.
Liikunnan lukutaitoa mitattiin kyselylomakkeella (asteikko 1–4), joka oli luotu liikunnan
lukutaidon mittarin (PLC-Quest) pohjalta. Sosiaalista tukea mitattiin kyselylomakkeella
(asteikko 1–5), joka oli luotu liikunnan sosiaalisen tuen mittarin (SSPA-Quest) pohjalta.
Tutkimusaineiston analysointiin käytettiin IBM SPSS Statistics 28 –ohjelmistoa. Valmentajan
sosiaalista tukea ja liikunnan lukutaitoa kuvailtiin keskiarvojen (ka) sekä keskihajontojen (kh)
avulla ja sukupuolien välisiä eroja tarkasteltiin T-testillä. Lasten kokeman valmentajan
sosiaalisen tuen yhteyttä liikunnan lukutaitoon tarkasteltiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokertoimella ja
lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä. Raja-arvona tilastolliselle merkitsevyydelle toimi p<0,05.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että lasten liikunnan lukutaito oli korkealla tasolla. Pojat saivat
keskiarvojen perusteella korkeampia arvoja liikunnan lukutaidon fyysisestä (ka=3,32) ja
psyykkisestä (ka=3,49) osa-alueesta verrattuna tyttöihin (ka=3,15, ka=3,38) ja tytöt saivat
korkeampia arvoja kognitiivisesta (ka=3,39) osa-alueesta verrattuna poikiin (ka=3,33). Lasten
kokemus valmentajan sosiaalisesta tuesta oli melko korkealla tasolla. Lapset kokivat saavansa
eniten tukea pätevyyden kokemuksiin (ka=4,35) ja vähiten autonomian kokemuksiin (ka=3,59).
Valmentajan sosiaalinen tuki oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä liikunnan lukutaitoon
(p<0,05). Mitä enemmän lapsi koki saavansa valmentajalta sosiaalista tukea, joka kohdistui
pätevyyden kokemuksiin, sitä parempi hänen liikunnan lukutaidon jokainen osa-alue oli
Valmentajan sosiaalisella tuella on merkittävä vaikutus lapsen liikunnan lukutaidon
kehittymiseen. Valmentajan tulisi osoittaa lapselle sosiaalista tukea, joka edistää lapsen
pätevyyden kokemuksia sekä lisää lapsen autonomian ja sosiaalisen yhteenkuuluvuuden
tunnetta. Liikunnan lukutaitoinen lapsi on motivoitunut, luottaa itseensä ja kokee itsensä
liikunnallisesti päteväksi. Tukemalla lasten psykologisia perustarpeita, valmentaja voi edistää
heidän liikuntataitojen kehittymistä ja liikunnallisen elämäntavan omaksumista.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate how perceived social support from a coach was related to the physical literacy of 4th to 6th graders. The aim of the study was to explore how competent children felt in terms of physical literacy and what kind of support they experienced from the coach. Physical literacy was divided into physical, psychological, cognitive, and social domains. Perceived social support from the coach was categorized based on self-determination theory into autonomy, competence, and social relatedness. The data for the thesis was collected between 2020 and 2023 as part of the "Taiturit" research project at the University of Jyväskylä's Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences. The "Taiturit" project involved 950 children in grades 4 to 6. The target group for this study consisted of 718 children, including 361 girls and 349 boys. Physical literacy was measured using a survey (scale 1–4) created based on the Physical Literacy indicator (PLC-Quest). Social support was measured using a questionnaire (scale 1–5) developed from the Social Support in Physical Activity questionnaire (SSPA-Quest). IBM SPSS Statistics 28 -software was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to describe coach's social support and physical literacy, and gender differences were examined using t-tests. The relationship between coach's social support and physical literacy was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis, with a significance level set at p <0.05. The results of the study indicated that children's physical literacy was at a high level. Boys scored higher on the physical (mean=3,32) and psychological (mean=3,49) domains of physical literacy compared to girls (mean=3,15, mean=3,38), while girls scored higher on the cognitive (mean=3,39) domain compared to boys (mean=3,33). Children's perception of coach's social support was at a quite high level, with children reporting receiving the most support in competence experiences (mean=4,35) and the least in autonomy experiences (mean=3,59). Coach's social support was significantly associated with physical literacy (p<0,05). The more social support children perceived from the coach, particularly in terms of competence experiences, the better their performance was in every aspect of physical literacy (p<0,01). Coach's social support has a significant impact on the development of children's physical literacy. Coaches should provide social support to children that enhances their competence experiences and increases their sense of autonomy and social relatedness. A physically literate child feels motivation, self-confidence, and competence in their own physical abilities. By supporting children's basic psychological needs, coaches can promote the development of children's movement skills and adoption of a physically active lifestyle.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate how perceived social support from a coach was related to the physical literacy of 4th to 6th graders. The aim of the study was to explore how competent children felt in terms of physical literacy and what kind of support they experienced from the coach. Physical literacy was divided into physical, psychological, cognitive, and social domains. Perceived social support from the coach was categorized based on self-determination theory into autonomy, competence, and social relatedness. The data for the thesis was collected between 2020 and 2023 as part of the "Taiturit" research project at the University of Jyväskylä's Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences. The "Taiturit" project involved 950 children in grades 4 to 6. The target group for this study consisted of 718 children, including 361 girls and 349 boys. Physical literacy was measured using a survey (scale 1–4) created based on the Physical Literacy indicator (PLC-Quest). Social support was measured using a questionnaire (scale 1–5) developed from the Social Support in Physical Activity questionnaire (SSPA-Quest). IBM SPSS Statistics 28 -software was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to describe coach's social support and physical literacy, and gender differences were examined using t-tests. The relationship between coach's social support and physical literacy was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis, with a significance level set at p <0.05. The results of the study indicated that children's physical literacy was at a high level. Boys scored higher on the physical (mean=3,32) and psychological (mean=3,49) domains of physical literacy compared to girls (mean=3,15, mean=3,38), while girls scored higher on the cognitive (mean=3,39) domain compared to boys (mean=3,33). Children's perception of coach's social support was at a quite high level, with children reporting receiving the most support in competence experiences (mean=4,35) and the least in autonomy experiences (mean=3,59). Coach's social support was significantly associated with physical literacy (p<0,05). The more social support children perceived from the coach, particularly in terms of competence experiences, the better their performance was in every aspect of physical literacy (p<0,01). Coach's social support has a significant impact on the development of children's physical literacy. Coaches should provide social support to children that enhances their competence experiences and increases their sense of autonomy and social relatedness. A physically literate child feels motivation, self-confidence, and competence in their own physical abilities. By supporting children's basic psychological needs, coaches can promote the development of children's movement skills and adoption of a physically active lifestyle.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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