Koulukiusaamisen yhteys koulupäivän oppituntien ulkopuoliseen liikunta-aktiivisuuteen 7.-luokkalaisilla
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää koulukiusaamisen yhteyttä koulupäivän
aikaiseen liikunta-aktiivisuuteen oppituntien ulkopuolella 7-luokkalaisilla. Tutkielma
tarkastelee asiaa eri liikuntamahdollisuuksien sekä kiusaamisroolien kautta. Lisäksi
tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, onko koulukiusaamiskokemuksissa, koulupäivän oppituntien
ulkopuolisessa liikunta-aktiivisuudessa sekä näiden välisissä yhteyksissä sukupuolieroja.
Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty osana LIKES-tutkimuskeskuksen Liikunta ja hyvinvointi -
tutkimusta. Tähän tutkielmaan valittiin poikkileikkausasema vuoden 2013 keväältä.
Tutkielman kohdejoukkona on 409 seitsemänluokkalaista oppilasta kahdeksasta eri koulusta.
Tyttöjä osallistui 218 (53,3 %) ja poikia 191 (46,7 %). Aineisto analysoitiin IBM SPSS
Statistics 28 -ohjelman avulla ja analysointimenetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia sekä
yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysia. Hypoteesina oli, että koulukiusaaminen on yhteydessä
vähäisempään koulupäivän oppituntien ulkopuoliseen liikunta-aktiivisuuteen.
Tutkielman tulokset osoittivat, että koulukiusatuksi joutumisella on yhteyttä koulumatkan
kulkutapaan syksyisin ja keväisin. Lisäksi koulukiusatuksi joutuneet tytöt liikkuivat välituntisin
aktiivisemmin kuin ne tytöt, joita ei kiusattu koulussa. Koulukiusaajat taas osallistuivat
aktiivisemmin koulun liikuntakerhoihin kuin ne, jotka eivät olleet kiusanneet.
Koulukiusaamista tarkastellessa huomattiin, että pojat ovat kiusaajina useammin kuin tytöt.
Koulupäivän aikainen oppituntien ulkopuolinen liikunta-aktiivisuus oli pojilla selkeästi tyttöjä
Tutkielma antaa viitteitä, että koulukiusaamisen ja koulupäivän aikaisen oppituntien
ulkopuolisen liikunta-aktiivisuuden välillä voi olla yhteyksiä. Tulevaisuudessa aiheesta tulee
tehdä yhä enemmän tutkimusta, sillä ajankohtainen tieto on tärkeää muuttuvassa
koulumaailmassa. Voisi olla tärkeää esimerkiksi selvittää liikuntatuntien sisällön vaikutusta
niissä tapahtuvaan kiusaamiseen. Myös erilaiset koulukiusaamisen vähentämiseen tähtäävät
kampanjat ja teot voisivat olla yhä enempi tutkimuksen kohteena, sillä niitä tarvitaan
The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the association between school bullying and physical activity during the school day outside of lessons among 7th graders. The study examines this issue through various opportunities for physical activity and roles in bullying. Additionally, the thesis explores whether there are gender differences in experiences of school bullying, out-of-classroom physical activity during the school day, and the relationships between them. Data for the thesis was collected as part of the LIKES Research Center's "Physical Activity and Well-being" study. A cross-sectional sample from spring 2013 was selected for this thesis. The study population consists of 409 seventh-grade students from eight different schools, with 218 (53.3%) girls and 191 (46.7%) boys. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 28, employing cross-tabulation and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as the analytical methods. The hypothesis proposed that school bullying would be associated with lower levels of physical activity during the school day outside of lessons. The results of the thesis indicate that being bullied at school is associated with the mode of transportation to school during autumn and spring. Furthermore, girls who were bullied engaged in more active play during recess than those girls who were not bullied at school. Bullies were more likely to participate in school sports clubs than those who did not engage in bullying behavior. When examining school bullying by the gender, it was noted that boys were more frequently identified as bullies than girls. Physical activity during the school day outside of lessons was significantly higher among boys compared to girls. The thesis provides evidence suggesting potential associations between school bullying and physical activity during the school day outside of lessons. Future research in this area is needed, as up-to-date information is crucial in the evolving school environment. It may be important to investigate the impact of the content of physical education classes on bullying occurrences within them. Moreover, various campaigns and interventions aimed at reducing school bullying could be further explored, as they are needed within the primary school setting.
The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the association between school bullying and physical activity during the school day outside of lessons among 7th graders. The study examines this issue through various opportunities for physical activity and roles in bullying. Additionally, the thesis explores whether there are gender differences in experiences of school bullying, out-of-classroom physical activity during the school day, and the relationships between them. Data for the thesis was collected as part of the LIKES Research Center's "Physical Activity and Well-being" study. A cross-sectional sample from spring 2013 was selected for this thesis. The study population consists of 409 seventh-grade students from eight different schools, with 218 (53.3%) girls and 191 (46.7%) boys. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 28, employing cross-tabulation and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) as the analytical methods. The hypothesis proposed that school bullying would be associated with lower levels of physical activity during the school day outside of lessons. The results of the thesis indicate that being bullied at school is associated with the mode of transportation to school during autumn and spring. Furthermore, girls who were bullied engaged in more active play during recess than those girls who were not bullied at school. Bullies were more likely to participate in school sports clubs than those who did not engage in bullying behavior. When examining school bullying by the gender, it was noted that boys were more frequently identified as bullies than girls. Physical activity during the school day outside of lessons was significantly higher among boys compared to girls. The thesis provides evidence suggesting potential associations between school bullying and physical activity during the school day outside of lessons. Future research in this area is needed, as up-to-date information is crucial in the evolving school environment. It may be important to investigate the impact of the content of physical education classes on bullying occurrences within them. Moreover, various campaigns and interventions aimed at reducing school bullying could be further explored, as they are needed within the primary school setting.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202406244957Use this for linking