Hyökkäysvauhdin vaikutus maalintekoon jääkiekon suorahyökkäyspelaamisessa tasakentällisin
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of high velocity on scoring in ice-hockey rush situations at even strength. Data was collected from all the teams on Finnish SM-League during the season 2022-2023. Teams had 60 games and each one of them produced data automatically for WiseHockey platform where the data was collected and filtered for this study by WiseHockey specialist. The data were analyzed with Jamovi statistical analysis software including independent T-test, one-way Anova, Chi square and Pearson correlation coefficient. Total of 11 397 rush situations were analyzed (velocity, xG, shot result, serial ranking) including 495 goals which were manually analyzed (rush position, middle line, players involved) from video.
Ice-hockey is physically and cognitively demanding sport with high intensity including accelerations/deaccelerations, different velocity zones, turnovers and body contacts. Previous studies have shown that acceleration is significant factor for players maximal velocity. Keeping up the maximal velocity requires high power- and force production during the game. The probability of scoring increases when player will enter the offensive zone with controlling the puck and having a quick shot near the net to decrease the goalkeepers time to make a successful save. Previous research has shown that one of the major attributes for the elite players is their ability to seek and find the correct information from continuously chancing dynamic environment for their decision making.
Main finding of this study is that high intensity velocities (>4,72m/s) provide more goals than lower velocities. Most of the goals (58,4%) in this research was made at speed zone 6,6-8,7 m/s (p <0.001). Higher velocities didn’t provide more goals, so it seems that maximal velocity’s impact on scoring in rush situations is less than expected (p <0.001). There was no statistical significance between velocity and xG, players involved, middle line or rush position. Breaking the middle line at middle zone produced higher velocities for the rush but the difference was not statistically significant. Correlation between velocity and serial ranking didn’t have statistical significance.
As a conclusion of this study players perceptual motor skills should be focused more on training instead of maximal velocity because of dynamical complex of the sport. For goal scoring, higher velocities are needed, but it shouldn’t reduce the development of individuals perceptual skills and decision making. In high intensity velocities elite players greater visual searching strategies combined to faster cognitively decision-making skills are most likely emphasized in future ice hockey.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202406054274Käytä tätä linkitykseen.