Understanding customer behaviour across diverse digital loyalty programs
Teknologian integrointi asiakassuhteiden hallintaan on laajentanut asiakasuskollisuuden ja sitoutumisen strategioiden ulottuvuutta ja tehokkuutta. Vähittäiskauppiaat hyödyntävät nykyaikaisia työkaluja, kuten kanta-asiakasohjelmia, sosiaalista mediaa ja virtuaalisia alustoja kuten metaversumia, asiakassuhteiden vahvistamiseen. Nämä uudet alustat vaikuttavat asiakaskäyttäytymiseen, mutta niiden tarkat vaikutukset ovat vielä suurelta osin tutkimatta. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan asiakassuhteiden hallinnan kehittyvää aluetta keskittyen digitaalisten kanta-asiakasohjelmien ja asiakasengagementin rooliin uskollisuuden lisäämisessä. Tutkimus koostuu neljästä artikkelista, joissa tarkastellaan teknologian hyödyntämistä digitaalisilla alustoilla. Ensimmäinen artikkeli käsittelee teknologian integraatiota kanta-asiakasohjelmiin. Toisessa ja kolmannessa artikkelissa tutkitaan sosiaalisen median kautta tapahtuvan palkitun asiakasengagementin roolia kanta-asiakasohjelmissa, ja neljäs artikkeli arvioi tämän engagementin vaikutuksia sekä kanta-asiakasohjelmissa että metaversumissa. Tulokset osoittavat, että markkinointityökalujen, kuten palkkioiden, tehokkuus vaihtelee alustojen välillä ja on kontekstiriippuvainen. On tärkeää integroida eri alustat ja kanavat saumattomasti, ja vähittäiskauppiaiden tulisi huomioida, kuinka markkinointitoimet vaikuttavat kanta-asiakasohjelmien tehokkuuteen. Johtamisnäkökulmasta on keskeistä ymmärtää, että palkkiot voivat vaikuttaa eri tavoin sitoutumisen eri ulottuvuuksiin eri alustoilla, mikä korostaa personoinnin ja kunkin alustan asiakasmieltymysten syvällisen ymmärtämisen tarvetta. Tutkimus korostaa teknologian merkitystä kanta-asiakasohjelman koko elinkaaren ajan, ja uudet digitaaliset alustat parantavat jäsenten uskollisuutta. Käyttäjät suosivat hedonistisia ja ei-rahallisia palkintoja utilitarististen ja rahallisten sijaan, erityisesti metaversumissa. Perinteisissä kanta-asiakasohjelmissa palkittu asiakasengagement vaikuttaa uskollisuuteen enemmän kuin metaversumissa, ja metaversumin jäsenten sitoutuminen on monimutkaisempi, mihin vaikuttavat esimerkiksi alustan käytettävyys ja luottamus.
The integration of technology in customer relationship management (CRM) has significantly broadened the reach and efficiency of customer loyalty and engagement strategies. Retailers now employ a variety of cutting-edge tools to boost customer engagement and relationships, encompassing loyalty programs (LPs), social media, and virtual platforms like the metaverse. However, the specific impacts of these emerging platforms on customer behavior remain largely unexplored. This dissertation explores the evolving domain of CRM, focusing specifically on the influence of digital LPs and customer engagement in enhancing loyalty. It contributes to managerial practices by utilizing technology across these digital platforms through four research articles. Article I presents a conceptual exploration of technology integration within LPs. Articles II and III investigate the role of social media-based rewarded customer engagement (RCE) in the context of LPs. Article IV assesses the impact of RCE within both LPs and the metaverse environment. The findings suggest that the effectiveness of marketing tools like rewards for engagement varies significantly across platforms such as social media and the metaverse, highlighting a context-dependent nature. Previous research emphasizes the importance of seamlessly integrating platforms and channels, suggesting that retailers should consider how marketing initiatives aimed at engagement and loyalty can influence the overall effectiveness of LPs. From a managerial perspective, it is crucial to understand that rewards may affect each dimensions of engagement differently across various platforms, necessitating a greater emphasis on personalization and a deeper understanding of customer preferences specific to each platform. The research indicates that technology is vital at every stage of an LP’s lifecycle, and that emerging digital platforms positively enhance LP member loyalty. LP members also tend to prefer hedonic and non-monetary rewards over utilitarian and monetary ones on metaverse. In terms of loyalty and engagement, RCE has a more substantial effect on loyalty in traditional LPs than on the metaverse platform. Additionally, the RCE in LPs does not necessarily lead to increased member engagement within the metaverse, as it is influenced by other factors such as prior gaming experience, platform usability, trust, and the perceived effort needed to earn rewards.
The integration of technology in customer relationship management (CRM) has significantly broadened the reach and efficiency of customer loyalty and engagement strategies. Retailers now employ a variety of cutting-edge tools to boost customer engagement and relationships, encompassing loyalty programs (LPs), social media, and virtual platforms like the metaverse. However, the specific impacts of these emerging platforms on customer behavior remain largely unexplored. This dissertation explores the evolving domain of CRM, focusing specifically on the influence of digital LPs and customer engagement in enhancing loyalty. It contributes to managerial practices by utilizing technology across these digital platforms through four research articles. Article I presents a conceptual exploration of technology integration within LPs. Articles II and III investigate the role of social media-based rewarded customer engagement (RCE) in the context of LPs. Article IV assesses the impact of RCE within both LPs and the metaverse environment. The findings suggest that the effectiveness of marketing tools like rewards for engagement varies significantly across platforms such as social media and the metaverse, highlighting a context-dependent nature. Previous research emphasizes the importance of seamlessly integrating platforms and channels, suggesting that retailers should consider how marketing initiatives aimed at engagement and loyalty can influence the overall effectiveness of LPs. From a managerial perspective, it is crucial to understand that rewards may affect each dimensions of engagement differently across various platforms, necessitating a greater emphasis on personalization and a deeper understanding of customer preferences specific to each platform. The research indicates that technology is vital at every stage of an LP’s lifecycle, and that emerging digital platforms positively enhance LP member loyalty. LP members also tend to prefer hedonic and non-monetary rewards over utilitarian and monetary ones on metaverse. In terms of loyalty and engagement, RCE has a more substantial effect on loyalty in traditional LPs than on the metaverse platform. Additionally, the RCE in LPs does not necessarily lead to increased member engagement within the metaverse, as it is influenced by other factors such as prior gaming experience, platform usability, trust, and the perceived effort needed to earn rewards.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-86-0208-8Use this for linking
Published in
JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Rauf, M., & Karjaluoto, H. (2020). The Development of Loyalty Programs in the Retail Sector. P. Novo Melo, & C. Machado (Eds.), Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises (pp. 105-121). CRC Press. DOI: 10.1201/9780429056482-8
- Artikkeli II: Rauf, M., & Karjaluoto, H. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Rewarded Social Media Engagement, Trust, Perceived Switching Cost and Loyalty on Loyalty Members in Sports Industry. O. Niininen (Ed.), Social Media for Progressive Public Relations (pp. 138-157). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003177791-13. JYX: jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/86014"
- Artikkeli III: Rauf, M., Karjaluoto, H. & Leppäniemi, M. Commitment, loyalty and loyalty programmes in the sports industry. Accepted in International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing.
- Artikkeli IV: Rauf, M., Li, X. & Karjaluoto, H. Rewarded customer engagement and loyalty: a cross-platform study of traditional loyalty programs and the metaverse. Manuscript.
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä