Pre-service teachers’ language mindset and its impact on the engagement and persistence in their language pedagogical studies : a study conducted in EFL teacher education in Finland
In the mindset research field, pre-service teachers’ mindsets are understudied.
Their beliefs about the malleability of their English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
ability (that it is a predetermined trait – fixed language mindset (FLM), a changeable trait – growth language mindset (GLM) or an intermediate state – mixed
language mindset (MLM)), also known as language mindsets are likely to impact
the levels of engagement and persistence in their EFL pedagogical studies. This
study examines the impact of language mindsets of the pre-service teachers on
the engagement and persistence in their EFL pedagogical studies.
A quantitative analysis derived from questionnaire responses of 116 EFL
pre-service teachers attending three Finnish universities showed that 6.9% of the
participants had FLMs, 19.8% had MLMs and 73.3% had GLMs and the participants with GLMs displayed higher academic engagement and persistence, while those with FLMs exhibited lower academic engagement and persistence. The
mere exposure to English or its frequent usage did not significantly promote
GLMs. Additionally, FLM holders exhibited lower self-perception regarding
their English language skills, indicating uncertainty about their potential.
The findings imply that fostering GLMs among the EFL pre-service teachers could be a promising strategy to enhance their own engagement and persistence in their studies and also to culminate GLMs in their students in future. The
study also recommends the use of GLM mediated teacher instruction, feedback
and tools for language pre-service teacher training in Finland.
Main Author
Master thesis
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