Moraalijärjestysten rajoilla : Väkivallan kohtaaminen ammatillisena toimintana ja rajatyönä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa

This article investigates the boundary work performed by social and health care professionals. We are interested in how professionals – as municipal authorities – describe their encounters with clients exposed to domestic violence (DV). Our main concern is with the negotiation of responsibilities, more specifically with starting points and social orders in which perceptions of responsibilities, rights and obligations are linked. Accordingly, we investigate what moral orders are followed, equated and/or contrasted in boundary work. This paper deepens previous DV research concerning professional practices and service systems in response to DV. We utilized thematic analysis and analysed ten focus group interviews involving a total of 45 social and health care professionals. Our focus was on boundary work both within and between professions. The themes concerning individual boundary-drawing within the profession were the Recognition of DV and DV-related emotions. Boundaries were drawn to identify and name DV as well as to estimate whether or not intervening was seen as a professional’s duty and what kind of expressions of emotions were accepted. Boundary work between different professions appeared as a collective activity involving us-others meaning-making, in which our focus was to analyse the themes of Multi-professional negotiations and the Dimensions of cooperation. At the boundaries of professions, negotiations on collaboration are held, at the same time as professionals build up and highlight their own professional role and expertise. They also seek recognition and legitimacy for their own actions. In addition to the institutional and juridical moral order, boundary work was also done on the basis of a personal moral order both within the profession and between professions. This illustrates how encountering DV is not only based on pre-established guidelines and procedures.

Lähisuhdeväkivalta on laaja yhteiskuntapoliittinen ja oikeudellinen kysymys. Se on myös sosiaalinen ongelma, johon haetaan tavallisesti apua sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollosta. Artikkelissa väkivaltatilanteita tarkastellaan rajatyön käsitteen avulla. Tämä avaa uuden näkökulman väkivallan kohtaamisen ammatillisiin käytäntöihin professioiden sisällä ja välillä.
Main Authors
Articles Research article
Publication in research information system
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
  • Piippo, S., Hirvonen, P., Husso, M., & Notko, M. (2024). Moraalijärjestysten rajoilla : Väkivallan kohtaaminen ammatillisena toimintana ja rajatyönä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 89(2), 113-124.
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Open Access
European Commission
Funding program(s)
Justice Programme
Justice Programme
European Commission
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Additional information about funding
Enhancing Professional Skills and Raising Awareness on Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Shelter Services (EPRAS) -hanke. Euroopan Unioni: European Commission [JUST/2016/ RGEN/AG/VAWA/4000009936]
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