On the Hausdorff dimension of radial slices

Let t∈(1,2), and let B⊂R2 be a Borel set with dimHB>t. I show that H1({e∈S1:dimH(B∩ℓx,e)≥t−1})>0 for all x∈R2∖E, where dimHE≤2−t. This is the sharp bound for dimHE. The main technical tool is an incidence inequality of the form Iδ(μ,ν)≲tδ⋅√It(μ)I3−t(ν),t∈(1,2), where μ is a Borel measure on R2, and ν is a Borel measure on the set of lines in R2, and Iδ(μ,ν) measures the δ-incidences between μ and the lines parametrised by ν. This inequality can be viewed as a δ−ϵ-free version of a recent incidence theorem due to Fu and Ren. The proof in this paper avoids the high-low method, and the induction-on-scales scheme responsible for the δ−ϵ-factor in Fu and Ren's work. Instead, the inequality is deduced from the classical smoothing properties of the X-ray transform.

Olkoon t∈(1,2), ja olkoon B⊂R2 Borel-joukko, jolla dimHB>t. Paperissa osoitetaan, että H1({e∈S1:dimH(B∩ℓx,e)≥t−1})>0 kaikilla x∈R2∖E, missä dimHE≤2−t. Tämä on tarkka yläraja dimHE:n Hausdorff-dimensiolle. Tärkein tekninen työkalu on seuraava insidenssiepäyhtälö: Iδ(μ,ν)≲tδ⋅√It(μ)I3−t(ν),t∈(1,2), missä μ on Borel-mitta tasossa, ν on Borel-mitta tason suorien joukossa, ja luku Iδ(μ,ν) mittaa δ-insidenssejä mittojen μ ja ν painottamien pisteiden ja suorien välillä. Insidenssiepäyhtälö on tarkempi versio Fun ja Renin äskettäin todistamasta arviosta, josta on poistettu ylimääräinen δ−ϵ-tekijä. Tämän paperin todistuksessa ei käytetä "high-low"-metodia eikä induktiota skaalojen suhteen, mitkä Fun ja Renin todistuksessa aiheuttivat δ−ϵ-tekijän. Sen sijaan epäyhtälö johdetaan Röntgen-muunnoksen klassisista silotusominaisuuksista.
Main Author
Articles Research article
Publication in research information system
Suomen matemaattinen yhdistys
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202404092792Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Annales Fennici Mathematici
CC BY-NC 4.0Open Access
Research Council of Finland
European Commission
Funding program(s)
Academy Project, AoF
ERC Consolidator Grant, HE
Akatemiahanke, SA
ERC Consolidator Grant, HE
Research Council of FinlandEuropean CommissionEuropean research council
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Additional information about funding
T.O. is supported by the Research Council of Finland via the project Approximate incidence geometry, grant no. 355453, and by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101087499).
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