Effort expectancy in password manager adoption
Suurin osa verkkosivuista sekä verkkopalveluista käyttävät salasanaa
todennustapana. Tämä aiheuttaa ongelman, jossa ihmisillä on kasvava määrä
salasanoja hallittavana. Pärjätäkseen salasanojen kanssa, ihmiset
uudelleenkäyttävät salasanoja tai käyttävät helposti muistettavia salasanoja.
Nämä strategiat ovat yleensä epäluotettavia ja jättävät ihmiset alttiiksi
tietovuodoille sekä yleisille haavoittuvuuksille. Yksi mahdollinen keino
ratkaista jatkuvasti kasvavan salasanamäärän ongelma on salasanahallinta
ohjelmien laajempi käyttöönotto. Salasanan hallintaohjelma helpottaa
salasanojen hallintaa sekä auttaa uusien salasanojen luonnissa. Pääväestö ei
kuitenkaan ole alkanut omaksumaan salasananhallinta ohjelmia. Tutkimusta
aiheesta on toteutettu paljon ja se keskittyy enimmäkseen luottamukseen sekä
tietoturvaan. Odotettua vaivannäköä on tutkittu hyvin vähän, vaikka se usein
esiintyykin syynä miksi henkilö ei halua käyttää salasanan hallintaohjelmaa.
Tämä tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään odotettua vaivannäköä salasanan
hallintaohjelman omaksumisessa ei-käyttäjän perspektiivistä. 14 osallistujaa
haastateltiin teemahaastattelua käyttäen, jonka jälkeen haastattelut analysoitiin
temaattisella analyysillä. Tulokset viittaavat, että odotettu vaivannäkö on yhä
tärkeä huolenaihe ei-käyttäjille sekä eri ihmisryhmät odottavat eri asioiden
olevan vaivalloisia. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia voi käyttää salasanan
hallintaohjelmien markkinointiin ei-käyttäjille.
Most websites and services use passwords for authentication. This leads to a problem were people have a growing number of passwords to manage. To remember all these passwords, people adopt various coping strategies such as reusing the same password across multiple platforms or using an easy to remember weak password. These coping strategies tend to be insecure and leave people vulnerable to data leaks and common exploits. One way of solving the problem with passwords is for more people to adopt password managers. They are an easy to use, safe and efficient way to store passwords and generate new ones. The problem however is that password manager usage remains low among the general public. Many studies have been conducted about the reasons for why people do not use password managers with most of them focusing on trust and security. However, an overlooked aspect of password manager adoption is the initial ef fort required in adopting one. The aim of this thesis is to fill the gap by interviewing non-users of password managers about what they expect to take effort in adopting a password manager. 14 participants were interviewed in a semi-structured interview format. The interviews were than analyzed by using thematic analysis. The results show expected effort is still an important factor in password manager adoption and that different demographics tend to expect different as pects of password managers to take effort. The results of this study can be used to market password managers as well as by businesses and individuals alike to get employees, family members or friends using password managers.
Most websites and services use passwords for authentication. This leads to a problem were people have a growing number of passwords to manage. To remember all these passwords, people adopt various coping strategies such as reusing the same password across multiple platforms or using an easy to remember weak password. These coping strategies tend to be insecure and leave people vulnerable to data leaks and common exploits. One way of solving the problem with passwords is for more people to adopt password managers. They are an easy to use, safe and efficient way to store passwords and generate new ones. The problem however is that password manager usage remains low among the general public. Many studies have been conducted about the reasons for why people do not use password managers with most of them focusing on trust and security. However, an overlooked aspect of password manager adoption is the initial ef fort required in adopting one. The aim of this thesis is to fill the gap by interviewing non-users of password managers about what they expect to take effort in adopting a password manager. 14 participants were interviewed in a semi-structured interview format. The interviews were than analyzed by using thematic analysis. The results show expected effort is still an important factor in password manager adoption and that different demographics tend to expect different as pects of password managers to take effort. The results of this study can be used to market password managers as well as by businesses and individuals alike to get employees, family members or friends using password managers.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202404092773Use this for linking
The record contains restricted files. You can request a copy of this thesis here.
The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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