Stability in health behavior patterns in middle adulthood : a 19-year follow-up study
Objective: This study investigated subgroups of adults with particular health behavior patterns, their stability over 19 years, and the role of sociodemographic and personality characteristics in these.
Methods and Measures: Data on smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity were collected at ages 42, 50, and 61 in the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (n = 205–302). Latent class, latent transition, and logistic regression analyses were used.
Results: Four similar classes of health behaviors were identified at each age. A class named low alcohol consumption (AC)–high physical activity (PA) included individuals with the lowest levels of alcohol consumption and the highest levels of physical activity, and a class named high AC–low PA vice versa. Classes between these extremes of alcohol consumption and physical activity levels were nonsmokers with the lowest proportion of smokers, and smokers vice versa. Although transitions emerged, class memberships were relatively stable. Women, those who were married, held a degree, had higher occupational status, and certain personality traits at age 42 were more likely to belong continuously to healthier classes compared to a stable membership in high AC–low PA.
Conclusion: Health behaviors exist in patterns, are relatively stable across adulthood, and associated with sociodemographic and personality characteristics.
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Research article
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Psychology and Health
- Ahola, J., Kekäläinen, T., Kinnunen, M.-L., Tolvanen, A., Pitkänen, T., Pulkkinen, L., Saajanaho, M., & Kokko, K. (2024). Stability in health behavior patterns in middle adulthood : a 19-year follow-up study. Psychology and Health, Early online.
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Academy Project, AoF
Akatemiahanke, SA

Additional information about funding
The preparation of the manuscript was supported by the Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka and University of Jyväskylä under grant to Johanna Ahola. The most recent JYLS data collection was funded by the Academy of Finland under Grant 323541 to Katja Kokko (TRAILS project). Previous data collections in 2001 (Nos. 40166 and 44858 to Lea Pulkkinen) and 2009 (Nos. 127125 to Lea Pulkkinen and 118316 to Katja Kokko) were funded by the Academy of Finland.
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