The signal detection problem of aposematic prey revisited : integrating prior social and personal experience
Ever since Alfred R. Wallace suggested brightly coloured, toxic insects warn predators about their unprofitability, evolutionary biologists have searched for an explanation of how these aposematic prey evolve and are maintained in natural populations. Understanding how predators learn about this widespread prey defence is fundamental to addressing the problem, yet individuals differ in their foraging decisions and the predominant application of associative learning theory largely ignores predators' foraging context. Here we revisit the suggestion made 15 years ago that signal detection theory provides a useful framework to model predator learning by emphasizing the integration of prior information into predation decisions. Using multiple experiments where we modified the availability of social information using video playback, we show that personal information (sampling aposematic prey) improves how predators (great tits, Parus major) discriminate between novel aposematic and cryptic prey. However, this relationship was not linear and beyond a certain point personal encounters with aposematic prey were no longer informative for prey discrimination. Social information about prey unpalatability reduced attacks on aposematic prey across learning trials, but it did not influence the relationship between personal sampling and discrimination. Our results suggest therefore that acquiring social information does not influence the value of personal information, but more experiments are needed to manipulate pay-offs and disentangle whether information sources affect response thresholds or change discrimination.
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Research article
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The Royal Society Publishing
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Peer reviewed
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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences
- Hämäläinen, L., & Thorogood, R. (2020). The signal detection problem of aposematic prey revisited : integrating prior social and personal experience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences, 375(1802), Article 20190473.
Additional information about funding
L.H. was funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and Emil Aaltonen Foundation. R.T. was supported by an Independent Research Fellowship from the Natural Environment Research Council UK (grant no. NE/K00929X/1) and a start-up grant from the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE), University of Helsinki.
Copyright© Authors 2020